Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

e,ftreat f ofthe.Sabbo:b. Icy iron,and fendeth the farft and thelatterraine : fo thefe things arenot in ourhands, but in theLords power,who either prouetli ourfaith,or puuifhethour füiries,and trieth vs cohe- ther we will !erne himmorefparingly when hep iñiffiechvs,or more fecurely when he fpa- reth vs. Theother queftion following is of gathering Saffron. Ifmen be wife and provident to ofgatherdxg ferue God, theSaffrongrounds, I thinke, may alto befo kept, as that there will be no fuck sayron. Joffe as worldly men pretend.But ifthe natureofit be fuch,astome do affirme, that on that day it perifheth,ifit bevngachered,on whichday it commetti forth ; then I do thinke, that by thelaw ofneceffitiethis thing happening,it may be gatheredon the Sabbath : yet with theft conditiot:s,that as many gather ascanconuenrencly begotten, chat no publike ex:r- cife ofthe worfhip of God beomitted, thattheir minds be holy and fpiricually occupied that gather it:Nov iffomewill obie&,chatthere is fomewhat in theorder ofnature,which fighteth with theordinance of this law : Ianfwere, for as much as this thingconutieth on the Lords daybut feldome times,thattherefore it is not athing ordinary,b utas a worke of necefficie. Now to foldvp this gnefliou,werequired ingathering that we t[honld be pses- tually minded, which they may fliewby gluing itamarkeofreparation, that is, thatthey beftowit on thepoorer, iftheybeof themorewealchie fort : ifthey be oftneaner conditi- on, yet they may impart force thing to their moreneedle brethren, asteftrfying thereby that they feckenottheir gaine,but the glorieofGod. Itremainethbriefly and in a word to fpeake of erauailing, which if it be ordinaryand oftrauailing. vfuall, is inno cafe lawfnll : but ifit beextraordinary andnettflary, as often it fiappeneth to Lawyers,orPhifitions,titen accordingto the neceffine it is more or leflepermitted. We feethatmany Papitts will not ¡titre outon theirSaints daies,whereby is deteaed the want ofour fpirituall loue, winch snake no confciencecoeeafe on the Lords day. And lo the re- ligion deuifed byman fndeth better entertainmentand a farther pradtife,then that which was ordainedby God: If any manobiea the loin of his lining,if lie Íhould not labour on this day,I oppofe against that the loflèofGod his glorie,and that with this interrogarorie, whetherthe ntiferablepelfeofmanfhould not giuerootrteto theimmortallglorieofGod. Andexperience confirmeththe trutth of Gods fpìrit, that invainemen rife early,. and fo Latetake theirreit, invaine they build and take fo greatpaines; when the Lord denieth the Welling, And what were it to bee rich in politic, and pooreby God hisdifpleafiire? What though thebagge bebeanie, and their confcience is troubled ? What ifthey be rich with men, and poorewith God? Againe, whois it that fo difpofethofhis iournies andhis affaires ? lo as forie makingconfcience of their Sabboth, arein.their iourniesin one-day betterprcfpered, intheiraffaires in one houre more furthered, then manyothers contem. ningthie ordinance of Godare in manyhoaxes, andin many dayes? Who dire&ctli men to be-proúident in their fales and bargainings? Whobefotteth and intatuateth Debris? Who lendeth a man, that notfor a lmple defireof gaine, but for a tingle care to walk&in his callingsvfetli the trade ofbuying.and felling,innechapmen in One honre, then ane- ther manbath in an wholeday, wholeheart is inflamed, wholeeyes are inkindled with lollinggaine, and looking for profit howfoeuer it coüieby hookeor by crooke ? Mena- fcribe thisto cliance,andfo they oft by thesuit iudgementofGod receiue a blanke,that is, the blind world theyreceive not fo inuchgatne, aswill acquire their charges. Can men tranaileday and night by feaandbyhand, and that fora thingtranfitorie, and will theyretchout nohoures forthe defenceofGodhistvorfnip ? Doc thy feere thecues,if they iularge their Tourneyfor the keeping ofa goodconfcience. ; and arethey nor afraideof theeues,ivhen fortheir Worldly affedhions they cantrauaile early and late. Bscaufe herein theterror ofiheirowneconfciences will preachmore forcibly to them, then I sarifpeake, Iwill leave theintothat prabifeofthe (elanof God,which is viedNchein.t a. And thus hauing.fpokenof the workes of ourcallings, nowwee are to fpeake ache oflleronrkes workes ofour plealures.Concerningthe lawfullrecreations ofthis life,whichCliriflianitie ofourple::- clothpermit and notforbid {for ofvnlawfuil pleafuresbeing alwayes out offcaf,n, and finer. efpecially ondieSabboth,we haue nothingto fay) whether theymay haue place on the Lords dayor no, hereis the queftion. In this partofthetreatifè, Iray;:we-doenot S 3 fpeake