Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

1 .98 eXtreatifeofthe Sabboth. fpeakeofprophane and idlepleafures,butof themwhich bring tome fluffiervfe after they bevfed,and which are permitted by the wordofGod,fomeafure in thanmay bevfed,and theybefan'cified vnto vs by the word andby prayer. Andyet roen forthefe wedareot -giuethe time confecrated to God,vnto playingandpleafures. Neither are we curioully to frameanyexquifnte diuifion in thismatter, but firft we will confider ofthefealtsand ban- kers,accustomed on this day, andafterward ofother recreations and exercifes at that time frequented and vfed, whichthough in their time, place and perfbnsthey arenot volaw. Offe4ng end full, yet at this time on the Lordsdaywedenie them to be lawful!. As for Feafis, wemay brokering, part theninto louefeafts,Church feafts,andfumptnousfeafts,which cariewith themfame further expences and larger Iiberalitie, as are thefe which are viedat manages,atthcad,. miningofmeninto their chillioffices, orelleare taken vp for fomefpeciall benefitsreed. ued, orfomeextraordinarieiudgementsremoued, or fomeother caures likevino there,as when men carying fome portand countenance in thecommon wealth, according to their degrees and callings,atfome times doeordaine. - Touching thefe folemne and fumptuousfeafts, thusmuchweaFfirme briefly.Suchas on the Lordsday inititutefuch folemnities,andftuffe euery office,and bumbaft euerycorner of thehoufe withmen and women,are to beadmonifhedduly to confider debar, which is reported of amidboth inthe isifforieoftheKings, and in the bookeof theChronicles, . who hauing a vaine defireand fuperfluousappetite, wouldnotdeferre,butlonged to tale ofthe waterin the well of Bethlehema well fencedcitie,and fromwhencewater could met beconueiedbyhand, withoutfomeieoppardietothem thatfetchtit. Whereforethreedins mofkworthie menhue this bufrnes afíiigned them, to thecompaffing whereoftheir hues werehazarded. At their returne,grace makinghisafterfruites better thenthe former,aftet better deliberation vfed,hepowred forth the water on the ground,faying,Gnd forbidthat I fhould drinke theblood orthe lines oftheft threemen : fhewingthereby both his offence in fendingthem, and thefree mercieofGod in fauingthem. Wherefore (exceptingthe e- fface ofprmces) for asmuchas thefepompous preparations cannot conuenientlybe vfed on the Sabboth without thehazard ofmens foules, asin that diuersoffices innoble fami- lies require diners perlons to perforanediuers duties, and to that which is a day ofrelt, is madeadayof toyling. The equineof thenot kindling of a firemuffbindeChriftians,a though the fanetion dothnotconftraine diem. WhereastheIfaelites ofan inch ofhbertio would take an ell, for achildifhinftruftion this thingwas reftrainedthem. Andalthough wehamafurther lrbertie tokindle a fire,forasmuch asweare in colder countries then the Ifraeliteswere : yettheequitieofdie latemuft teach vs, that we oughtnotto turne thisli. bertietobe a fcruant of ourwantondelires, or tofofter carnall licentioufnes, andhinder the worfhipofGod. ubieífion. If it bedemaunded,whether this day befit for manage or no: Ianfwere,it is,becaufeon that day asit isa day ofreioycing, there is a morelawfull libertie of fpeech, and a more li- berali vfeofcheerful] behauiour. Howbeit, let them not onthatday,iftheymarrie, make their folemnecheere: but feeing they mayhaue a conuenient companiefomeother day, let them eitherbothmarrie andfealt Come other day,ormarrieonthe Lords day,and feaft another. And ifitbe demanded, whetherlonefeafts maybe kept on this dayor no. Ian- fwere,there is difference betweene lone -feaftsand fòlemne feafts.And ifmenwere as wife, astheywere in the timesofPoperie, theywouldbe politiketo findeout fornemeanesto prouidefor the glorieofGod, and yet notaltogether negledthe conuenientfurnitùre for theirtable. Iamnot toappoint, neither doe1 vndertake toprefcnbehowmate fhould be prepared, or how offices fhould bediuided: yet by experience I can glue tellinonieof fomewho for their religion bare credit inthe Church, andfortheir authorstiecarie fome countenance in common wealth,and yet onthe Lordsday hauetheir tables bothChrilti- andyy andworfhipfvlly furnifhedwithout any hinderanceoftheworfhip ofGodat all,not- withilanding thenumberof theirdaily retinue andordinary familie is great.It isonethmg toprouide feaftsof intertainement more then competent, and another thing to vfeloue- fealtsnothing lefiè then-isconuenient, tireone oppreffing and difablingvsto holy exerci. fes,thçotherrefrefhing and enablingvs to theduties of religion.