treati/oftheSahhoth. 199 Now concerning theexercifes and'pleafüres ofthebody,Ieauing alvaine paftimesatall o f palivies & times vnlawfull, but molt efpecially on the Sabboth, and to fpeake offuch recreations,as re'roarro "r inthemfelues are lawfull, and may lawfully be vfed of the childrenofGod in their time andplace ; as thofeof (hooting, training vp of fouldiers, and fuch like, all which their plealiwes carie a profile either prefentor in tune to come, to the Church or common- wealth, wedenienotfmpliethentheirplaces, butthinkethemconuenient,andcommen- dable with the teftimonieof the holy Ghoft : z.Sam. r. wherelonathanis commendedof Dauidforhislhooting. Howbeit,theSabboth dayis no&cc time for thefevfes,wbichwe will thew briefely. Firft wemult.know,that the Lord having forbidden theworksofour yf eraue11be nrdinarie calling, which carie with them a more 1peciall promifeofprofiteand warrant offorbiddrein reward in their time, forbiddethallo lawful! pleafures : becaufe if thevfeof thole be for- Bede ti time id bidden, beeinglawfull and neceffarie for the upholding and maintainingof mans life, f repteafurer then thefe'things not fo needefull, though convenient for recreation, are much more in- all the yeere hibited. And this wefhall feemore plainely, ifwerememberthat reff is fofarre coalman- long. ,ded, as it is an helpe and furtheranceto fanc&ilication, and labour fo farre is forbidden, as it is an impediment of thefame. In regardwhereof, ifpleafures beno lelfeletsand impe- diments to the hallowing of the Sabboth, then bodilyand ordinarielabours; then plea- fittcshauenomorelibertieontheLordsday ,thenouroutward workes. Furthermore, we mutt becircmufpeét not toreft inany drowîeor fleepie fecuritie of the fleflt :- butinwhat meafure loaner weedetra6ì from the ordinarieworkes of our calling, in thatproportion mull weadde to the fanaificationof theday : notmuch vnlike togood Chrittians, who bellow on theirMules whatfoeuer they take fromtheir bodies. Which wifedome and di- ligence though wevfemolicarefully, yetfor asmuchas we(hall lean asmanydnties vn- perforined, as we (hall haue performed, I leenotwhat leifure wee can lawfully lend to re- creations. If any carnaliprofelfor thallpretfe thisthingmore vehemently, nice thinketh he mayblu(hat the defenceof it, facing this kinde of keepingholidayes in pleafures and .playing,was viedeven ofthe Heathen,wbo fate daivneteeate and drinks,and role vp topia]: Brabalacing theirbellies with fealtes, and then refrefhing theinfelues with play. Where- foreaswe nowdenie Church- feallsas imitationsof the Heathen : foweedunce holy -day playas, asremnants of ancientprophanenella. But if it behere obiefled, that the Iewes had their folemnefeafls,muficall initruments, and exercifesofpleafure, yet the men alwayes by theallèlues, and the other fexeby them- (clues ; not with that monitrous mixture of menandwomen , which is a chiefe finneand The =lean arch-enemieto religion of ourage,and that with holy Pfahnes made byDauidandMofes, fh,neof. alaa- notwith vaine minttrelfie vfedofprophane Atheifts : Ianfwere, as Paid fpeaketh s .Co- "ng' rinth. t; .of his owneperfon , that they beingas children fpakeas children , theyvnder- ftood as children,they thought aschildren, beingbut in the ruditnents : but weebecom- ming men,multput away childilh things. Againe,thefuperllition ofthe Papifts checketh this abufe, who wouldadmit none outward exercifes on their Fatter, Whitfontide, and holy 'Midday, at what timesthey thought a bird would fcarfely buildherHell. Did not the Papilles breake their fitperftitiousholidaies, and(hall wee tbprophanely pollute the LordhisSabboth ? Our Baiter day , our Afcenfionday, our Whitfontide is curry Lordes day: and thereforewe ought tomake a'pecial careof fanblifyingofthis day. What ihalll fay of the zeale of worldlings, whichMay=trollby contrariesthe fecuritie ofour fins? Forall worldly menfeeke neuerfor pleafure, whileft profit clothdrop ; aswee may feein them that li tieonFaires andMarkets, asCliapmen and Inhólders. So longas theyhope engainea pense,howWaite they,how diligent arethey,how little play they,how bufie are they ? And why?Forfooth it is theirharueft,it is theirmarket,which ( faythey) theymutt attendvponwhileft occafion lafteth. Behold the policie and painefulncffe ofthe world may teachvs, whatweeought todoe for our routes. Is not the Sabboththe harueft time andmarket day for the foule, wherein wee fhould gather inwhileft the Sunne fhineth, whereinwe (houldbe verydiligent, whileft ourgaine is promifed, wherein weemull pro- aidefor a lining andmaintenance, and lay vp ftore, layingall pleafure afide vntill the time to come? s 4 And