Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

200 treatifeofthe Sabboth. And to returneto thepapifts,whatpofting prieftes , what mumbledmaffes,what liun_ tingpraiers,what haftieferutcehad they,when any other folemnieiefhould bevfed?What Efy.fa. then willthine fay, no efeof recreations ? I doe not (imply denie profitableexercifes, but what (haft we do with thenon the Lords day?. Ifallourdelight were in die Sabboth, ifall ourfprings were in it, if wemade itourchiefeft ioy , what place fhould or ought tobe left obit/liamo to filchcarnall delights, to fuch fiefhly pleafures ? Ifany fhall obieéì, that it was notene- cef iitieto leade theoxeto the water, andyet it was lawfull, andtherefore-things conueni. nfwere. ent iu :Come cafes permitted : -menhaue theefe of pleafures conuenient. Ianfwere, that the oxefo led to water,is not toplay and friske on thatday, becaufe thatinay without de. triment bee deferred , and -theother cannot : and thepleafures conuenient, as eating and drinkingmoderately, may on that day be vied, in thatwithout them followethhome de- triment,and yetwe permit nottoplay,which is a thing that withouthurt may be forborne onedayfor Gods fake, if without hurt weecan forbeare it an wholeweeke fortheworlds fake,.. To be fhorte, fpirituall wifedomemayprouide both forthe Lorde his worship, for our callings , and for the latveo. And like as in regarde of rnconuenience, the politiko lavesreftrainebowlingin lomeosen , not that in it felfe it is sincerely vnlawfull , but that for allefiatesforcertaine caufesit is notconuenient, inthat they would detaine fomefront theircallings r fromwhich if they fhould refs, they fhould incurre both the lolfe of better things, the rnifpendingof time,and hinderance of their 1 *nettgaine. In which relpebì of hinderingbetter things, we denie playing on the Lords day. 6_ieheperfans. Yet theremay remainea queftion, whether ficke perfons may lianetheir exercifesbn this day; Weaufivere, ifthey beextremely ucke, it is atimeof praying, andnot of playme,accordingtothe axiomeof lames, chap S. If theybenot fodangeroullyliche, theyneed; it not:forif they can boue their hearts, hands,bodies andmrndes about play ing;then theirlate vtfitation and thofruite of itfhould rathercaute them to refrefh them, felueswithreading, ftngfng, orasnore liberali exeteifeofconferring with them thatbee godly. Androknit vp this part,let vsremember in theformerobteEtiondrawnefrom the awe of the Realme, that theciuill lawdothnot fomuch permitdie libercie, which good men know tovie well, as it doth reftraine the licennoufnèl(e,which euill men vlebadly: becaufe better is is chatgood Mel) fhouldwant theirlibertie , which they maydo, then e- nilmen fhould, be confirmed in their licbiitioufnefle, which they oughtnot to do : fothat euilltnenmaybemade good,andgood min arenothing hurt. Andbecauteloue asketh not her o vne,butis content forthegood of others todepartfrom it ozone liberti e,ehough we -could,whith indeed wee cannot, yfe recreation without thehinderance of Godhis worfhip; yet we llrouldnotvie it beinga griefcto thegodlie,an offence to the weake ones, a matter ofreïoycing tothévngodly: Howthesab- ; It remained] in the labplace to fhéw, how theSabbothis prophaned eitherin thought, both is propia- iu word,or in deede. For there isadifference. betweene the not fanbtifying,and the plaine ?actin though, prophaning of theSabboth, inchat the one is not altogetherdefiroús tobreake it, the o- word,irc, ther ltath no defiedat all tokee e it: Neither is the Sabboth onel broken by rophane- benoeeese ße` nelfe, but alfoby idle works, andnotcarefull keeping 'of it. Someprophane sotfanóüfÿing by corruptiudgement, as Heretikes:.fomeby a corruptlife, ascarnall profeffors; the one gar propba- ahigh maliceof Satan,theother a dangerous deceitofthe diuell. When tutentooworl'dly n`ngofthe[ lu: minded, makethe Lords day a day; Of riddance, a packingday, a countingday tomake both. oddeseuen with allmen, but euenthings odde withGod. And it is thelamentableGone ofourage,topreffe the Lordsordinance and appointed daywithal relicksof law estantes; withthe dregs of ancientquarrels,or newbenchedbrawlings,withpoftingto Iuftices;not tobe reconciledbut co auenged ; not to finifh, butto reumue controuerues, and torub old iniuries vntill they bleed:fo as that day thatisfanótified and ordained for lone,isa day of hatred; ofa dayof reconciliation a it is madea dayofdiffenfion ; and this cannot but proceede from aprophanefeocke: Othersas feemingMore fauourable,chough theymake not thisday a timeof pamperingofsiteflefh(whichsuatime of purging theflefh)yet they propbanatian make it a dayofpalpable darkenes, whichihouldbeadayofbright finning light:byhun- cfthefabboth. tingof beares,byhaunting of playes,and fuch like,that ifthey beginthe day to thcfpirtr, they i