. otet f omit faluettion. '461 theywill ende itin' the flcfh,recéiuing fomegood inotions in the rndrning,they binie them in the euening, andgiuiggtheLardy the forcnoone,they recompente the dwell with the afternoons Ieainfrimeplace the Lordsdayisthe liuelsday,beingfra,ghtwithlbína- ny fraies , framed with fuckfilthie fornication, and burthened with the finneswhich their ordinarie callingson theweekedaYés fpue out, iti that on thofe d ayes theycam ocbe fra.. quentedfor want ofcompany. Now whether wefpeakeof thenot fanáurfsrrsu, or of the prophaning of the day , we a1 tine the Sabboth to be broken in thought,word and deed. Thought: For the whole law being fpirituatl; Rom.7. and this being a principals partof that law,it mutt needcsbe that this precept, as well as the rest, taketh vpaswell the inner as theout- ward man. Befdes,itisagenerallrule in the la;v,tiatwhatfoeuerisvnlawfmlltobedone, thefame is vnlawfullto be thoughtor fpokenof and Tooke ru whatmeafure the wicked aétionsof men are forbidden, its the famemanner isthe wicked. affeetion and communi- cation forbiddenalfo. Many loansnbtwithitandingmade filch proceedings infune,that Word. when they fhould recken withtheir foulès,theyrecken with their.fcruants, andwhen they Mould make euitawith their confcience,thépftríke euen with their chapmen,and yetper- lwade themfelues of fruall breach of die Sabboth,becaufe (as they fay) they do but fpeake a little with their tongue, and fcribblewith their:pennes. Then wee mull know, 'Chatas what wemaydoe, that wemaytalkeof:fo whatwemay notdo,thatmaywe net talky of. Wherefore lay ing andeour filthie (bags, our table talke of worldlymateers,ourCarnal de- uifesand worldlycómpalfes,which weare fetching inour thoughts, .whileft wee atin the congregation,our prime dilèourfes of our fuccelfe inour callings, and our politike.iefpo+ fingof ourweeke following 5 altwliichfhutoutòfthe doores better thinges, aisdorier- quelltisevigour of good things. Wherefore as tise nouesflsing.of ill droughts rs at ailrimes vnfeafonable :foto harbour thefts othsda .is molt abominable:Manywill tein ertheiraanhdehnbroísluni;g tongues,añdstay theirhands,but yet_Will giueloinelibertietothcrrirearts: asdìòiìghthe ofeuilthougbts Lorde condemned not as Well thehypocrrfe of the one, as the wickednefre ofçlre.other. is ourbearts Nowwemull rernembertoeuefy.geríera'tlpointitbióyne our partieularprahtife thatwee on the Sabboth may obtaine thebleflin s laid vpfor theobedient, and auoid tie curies laid v ifor the die. will tiepin no obedient : which the Lord affrltvs in,for Cheil his fakeour Lorde and oriel Sauiour ofal fvxitof Y .Gads roorfGip. Amen. NOTES OF OVR S' A. LVA:T I ON. ;. Ikea/fife.thefebetruentotésof ourifalitation,when cvefeatchthe Scriptcíres, in them to findeChrilt, andin him sternalllife,as osenlearch forfitter and gold, Peo11erb.a4. . z When wee efteenie the wordof God more then ourappointedfoode, Iob.chap.z 3.verf. r a. and couetfo to befedde with it thatweemay grow thereby, r .Pet. z. verfe 0,2,3. 3 When weeare fivift to hears, flowe to fpeakei and floweto wrath, laying áparte all malicioufreflé,and.the excrementsof finne, and receiaewith meekénellèthe worde that is grafted intovs, that it mayfaueour foules, Ian. t'.verf.z randobey from the heart un- tothe forme of doétrine whereunto we are detiùtred.Rom.G.r 7. .4 When