Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

202. Short preceptsfor the affliúed. 4 When we meditate in it *andnight,Iofuar.Pfalm.r.a,defiringthat all our aeti- ens,words and thoughtsmay bedireëtedby it.Pfal. rand 119. 5 If we long after tIse holy affemblies,Pfal.84.Pfal.l zz.i.and maketheSabboth our delight,Efay.58. 6 When the Minitters 'aremolt deare vntovs, .andweemof joyfully minittervnto them inall our goods,Ga1.6. Thenecefritie ofan vprightheart is thusby theft confe- quesits thereofposted. N't Ithout it weecannot affureour felues tobeiufifred and fanétifiedinChrifle- v V fin, a Without it wecannot affure our[clues thatwehaue trudy repented vs ofour faunes, Ioel.z.r z.Ezech.18.aa.23. 3 Withoutit we cannotalineour felues thatour wayes doe pleafeGod,Pfahne119. verf.r.f. io. r 1.8O. 4 Without itwe cannotheareGods word fruitfully.Luk.8.verf t a. r6. 5 Without it wecannot pray vntoGodacceptably.c.Tima.8.Pfalme119.58,&145. and 66.18. 6 Without it wecannot bcafiuredthatwe are truely baptized. r.Pet.3.zs.Matth.3.8. Rom.2. 29. 7 Withoutit weecannot receiuetheSacrament oftheLordesSupper to ourcomfort. a.Chron.3 o.28. r 9.Pfa1.4.4.5 8 Without itwecannot 9 Withoutit we cannot worfhip God at all truely.Ioh.4.24.Efay.29.13. Praline r 5s. Pfalrn.z4.çç ro Without it wethalneuer feeGod.Matth.5.8.Bleffedaretherm inheart,for theyAd feeGod. Pfal.15.2..& 24.4. 1r Without it wefhallneuerreceiueMelling fromGod , but looke for confufionand deftruaion.PfaLi 25.verf..4. f.Pfal.119.verf.6.& Pfal.So.Pfal.7.verfao. Notes ofa trueand vpright heart. r `` ]Henwe areperfwaded thatGod theFather, by the blood of Iefus Chrift,and v v the working of the holy fpirit doth cleanfevsfromour fnnes. a When we are perfwaded that the f irit proceedingfrom the Father and theSonne, dothby thewerde thuscleanfevs, and therefore makeconfcienccofall things in the laid word,without refpebt vntomansaduire,counfell,orcommaudement, without the fameor contrary to the fame worde of God. RefpcflingI layall the Commandementsof God, withoutpreferring onebeforeanother, labouringto know them, if wedonot:and if wee do, to doafter them according to the meafureof grace we hauereceiued. 3 When weare truelydefirous, andlabourtoauoid all the outwardoccafions which mighteither bringon, falber, or bringvs backeto anyfnnewe havefallen into, ormay fall intohereafter. 4 When wemourne for the very firft motions offinne whereuntowehave yeelded, or we fearc we mayyeeldvntohereafter. 5 When wee aredefrrous and labour tovfe alland eueryof thofe meanes, whichGod bath ordainedinhis word tobringvsvntopuritie of heart. 6 Whenwe doall chofe formerthings aswell fccretly by our felues, as before others. 7 When in doingtheft things wee limply and fingly recite to approue our felues vino God , without either looking for praifeor profit, rebukeor loft frommen, not reeling chiefly there outward things at Gods hands : but principally his kingdomeand therigh. teoufneffethereof. Matth.6. FINIS.