Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

204. elf direEionfor reading the Scriptures. Taff mutt goe before , and bee with them, and come after them. I If diligence becneceffariein reading prophane authors , then muchmore inreading theScriptures. Diligencemaketh a roughway plaine andeafie, andof good tafte, which otherwife is hard and vnfauorie. In our diligenceweemuft keepean mencourfe_, and not to be like thole whovpon fome fudden goodmotion,or by reafon offomegood company, or by reafon of fotnegood aflion drawmere, or for feare of danger, &c. readefora time, and fooneafter giveouer againe. ReadePro. z. a z.Mat.r 3.54. Matter. z Withdiligence mutt be ioyned wifedome, which is in choife of Order. Time. For want of wifedome, in thematter they reade, many finne inftudying otherbookes before the Scriptures, and in the Scripturesin fearching things not revealed, and preter- mittingthingsreuealed, as/Anand lamesfoughtwho fhouklfit atGuilts right liand,and left hand e but theyfought not to corne thither. Andhis Difciplesfaid, Aft. r. Wilt thouat this time reffore thek:'ngdometo Ifrael? not asking the meanesto cometo the kingdomeof heauen. And in things reuealedmanywill curioully and bufily fearch forthings notpro- fitable, asgenealogies , and carciellyneglea the thingsthatare tobe (earchcd. Andloam ignorant how to reformethemfelues,will betalking of reformingtheChurch. And ifthe Preacher mutt glue milke to the weake, and ftronger meate to the ftronger Chriffi- ans : if hemuft thus appliehisdoctrine tothe hearers, then muchmore thehearers theat- fclues muft apply theirowne readingto their owne capacities. Wilcdonee is in order t asthat menmutt bee firft grounded inthe prittcipall pointes of doétrine : firff wemutt lay thefoundation and build vponthe fame: alto wemutt keepe aá order in our readings , and not be now in this place, now in another : for order is the belt helpefor memorieand vnderltanding:he that readeth little aftera good manner, profiteth more then he that readeth much otherwife : as he that limpeth in the way,doth better then he that runnerh in another way,or out of theway. Therefore for want of ordermany readeneuch,but profitlittle. Wifedomemutt beevfed in difcerning the times : for weemull not reade alwayes, and doe noticingelfe, asfomeoffending in the one extreme, are after drìuen bySatan to theo- ther. TheSabboth is wholy tobe fpentin fuch excrcifes : on other layes, enticemorning, atnonne, and in the euening, thates, whenwee may redeemetheday from the workesof our calling, as David andDaniel did pray at theft three times, vnderwhich is contay- ned allthe worfhippeof God. Wee muttdoe asmuch as weecan euery day, andno day muti paffe without line. God bath made eatery thing beautifull in his time. Ecclefialt.3. verta r. 3 Preparation followeth : If any neon goe away without any profit, and eythervn- derftandethnot, or vesderftandethamifle, want of preparation is thecaufe. Sr .In feareofGod lees Maieftie. z. hefaith in IefusChrift. Preparation is In a good and honeft heart,witha greedy delre t to BatevpGods word. Inall apparitionsGod alwayes fentfearebefore , as hisapparitor, it ingendreth teach- ablceeefle, andmeekeneflè of encode,as we fee in 'plat, who(as it is laid) feared, andthen hee fail, I have bleffed Iacob, and he(hall be bleffed. Wee fee it alfointhe woman of Sama- ria, Iohn 4.7. and in the men At2.z. Fromwant of this reuerent feare, camneth all checking of God his word, and that men darebee fobollewíthit: butthey that feare mill bee/Oft toheart, andflorae to f eake, Iames andwill lay vp his csordein their heart, with theVirginMarie. Thoughthey vnderffand it not , though theykicke at the worde and fpurneagainft it, yetif God once teachthemwith hisfeare, then willthey acknow- ledge it to be the bletled wordof God. Feareconnneth vpon men tometime they knownot how : and if thentheygoe to God, they fhali finde finale excellent bleffeng, eitherin hawingtheir vnderftandingmlightened, or forcegood affelhions put into them. This pAixeSt abater. Order. Simile. reme. Nulladies finelinea. ¡tare.