zof direEfionforreading the Scriptures. prefutne to vnderftandabouethat which is meet tovnderftand, but labourtovnderftand accordingto themeafureof fobrictte, asGod hath dealtto eueryone the mcafureoffaith: and when theyhaue laid thefoundation, then build the walks andpiliers. The Eunuch would not interprete theword without a guide,but he laid it vp in his heart, as theVirgin Marydid. Forwant oftrue humilitieconference is Ilaundered,becaute itisvfed afterane- uillmanner,asbefore they be finely grounded inprincipallpoints ofreligion , to talke of other matters abonetheir capacitie and knowledge. Secondly , weemuft come in lone without anger,enuie; or defireofviaory : therefore in conference wemutt vfethe preps. ration fpokenofbefore : thewant ofwhich makethmuch ianglings and wranglings is compame. Laftly, we muttprocurethings honeft beforemen, that it maybedonewifely,without confufion anddeftrubtion: and not ley too great amultitude, that wemay affoorde our doings beforemen ; not with the doores (hut, leaft any man fhould heare. This isthe difference betweene the conference of the godly and religious, and the conuenticles of Heretikes. The nextthingis faith : Theword mutt bemixedwith faith: Heb.4.1. The word which ;.Faitb. they heard, profstedthemnothing,becaufeit was not mixedwithfaith. But all haue not faith: thereforetheProphet Efay laid, Lord,whowillbeleeueour report? And Luke t 8.e8. Suppofe ye that the SonneofIvanwhenhe commeth Jballfindefaith onthe earth ? Allthe former mutt be viedto refine faith : for as gold beforeit bepure is feuen foldtried in the fire , fo faith which is much moreprecious thengold,muft goethrough all thefe meanes. Supra.Of pee. Faith here is an increafe ofallthat in*preparation. AMerchantmutt haue fomething partition. before hebeaMerchant,buthe occupied]toincrcafe and get more : fo wemuft beleeue Ayeneyalfaith in IefusChrrft bya general! faithgoing before : but wemutt vfe all the forenamedmeanes to increafe our knowledgeandfasthin allparticulars. One maybe a faithful! perfon ge- nerally, and yet invnbeleeuer inparticulars. As Chrifts Difciples to whomhefaid,lfyou hadfaithbutasmuchat agraineof muflardfeed, Vie. As Abraham , Rebecca, and Zacha- rie had. There is a differencebetweenefaith andopinion or knowledge: for our knowledgeand opinions vanith away in affliéhions. But asgoldeis tried inthefire, fofaith will abide the fireofafflióìion. Saban winowed Peter, but his faith failed not: forChrift failed not, for Chrift praied for him,and for his Difciples, and for all beleeuers, that their faith fhould not faile. Next followed] prafhife : Thatwe hauea defire thatthe wordmay bring forth increafe 4TraSife of faith and repentance,Píal.0 19.98. By thyconomaundementstissuhalt made me waferthen my enemies,for theyare euer with me. Theprafife of Infidels is nothing, becaufe it is not ioyned with faith. But Chrift faith, Bledare they whichheare and doe. And fo faith lames, that this is that alfureth vstliatwehaue faith. He thatcloth this, is compared vino him thatbudded] his houlevpon a rocke,and our workes arenotthefoundation ofthehouse, but thenwehaue builded vponChrift whenwe ioine the fruites ofourfaith with know-, ledge, theywillfpeake for vs,toour confèiences,and to others. Our SauiourChrift faith, Want ofpra, That thatferuantthat k noweth thewill ofhismafier anddolt it not, Jhall be beaten with many thfemakes fripes: foritisworfeto offend of knowledge then ofignorance . Andwhyfhouldhegiue men blinderaf- vs any more, ifweppraéuife not thatwe haue? For to him thatbath(hall be giuen,butfrom teréosse öw- huh m that bathnotflail betaken away,&c. Whydo many hearing the word,eitherconti- ledpe. hue or inereafein their blindnes,butbecaufethey would nor praetifethatthey knew,and allomien thattheyhad is taken from them?Ifa good confciencebe not ioyned'with faith, faith (hall betaken awayanderrors fucceed. If thenwebeforgetfull , weetuft coddle that the want ofpra&ife is the caufethereof. Therule of reafon inall things is, that the belt wayoflearning isby pra&ife : thenhow much more ifwepraófile will God increafe ourtalents. f.Praier.. The tali thing is praier,which muff be viedboth in thebeginning, inthemiddle, and inthe end.Prayer mutt be in all the former meanes:for without it wecanneuer vfe them, nor haue any bletfingby them. Praier