Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

fdireElionforreadingthe Scriptures. Prayer. Prayer containethvnderit Thankefgiuing. For prayer,thatitmuff be vfedwhen we reale, it is plaine, t. Cor. e. Theeye bath net feene,&c. meaningnot onely the ioyes contained in the kingdomeof heaven, buteven thofethatarecOntaifled in theword. And againe inthefarneplace, Asno man knomeththe heart of a man, but the fpiritofman : fo noman knoweththe meaning of the Lord in his word,excepc God giue him his fpirit todeclare itvnto him. And ifwe Snuff pray whenwe cometoour meate anddrinke, thatGod may giue nourifhmentto vs by them, then how muihmoremuttwe pray Godtonourrfhvs byhis word : for elfe wecannot profit there- by. And asno mandare touch meateand drinkebefore hepray, andwe haue no title to it beforeit be fanecified tovs byprayer: fo how impudent are they that dare touch Gods booke without prayer,or thinke that otherwife they haue titlevnto it? Paulmay plant, aid Apollomay water,bntGodgiaeth the increafe: fo if any befenfeleffe ffill, andyet haue heard long,itis becaufeGodhashnot reuealedhis will vnto them. Menmaybediligent,yet they Thanerre ifGodgiue nothis fpirit : andthoughtheymeditate and conferre,yet they (hall be punifhed forgiuing fiber= totheir rouingbrainand to theirtongue,excepttheypray forGodsfpirit. Many refs in knowledge, and wantfaith, becaufe they want prayer : and werat in atanyreffin knowledge, and neuerpraótife, becaufewe praynot to Godto write hislaw in ourhearts knauvledge byhis fpirit,thatnow,notwe,buthemayworkeinvs. They that takeany thing in handfe vvhyí, without prayer,howfoeuertheyfay they abhorre Poperie,yet theypraai(e it,becaufe they take vpon themtohaue forcepower in themfelues. For thankfgiuing,ifwe beboundtopraifeGodwhenhe hathfed ourbodies,howmuch rhank(gisiing. morewhen he 'lath fedourConies ? And IhallGòd bejuiflieoffended withvs,if we thanke himnot for our 'refre(hing,withmeates, fieepe,&c? and (hallwe nottremble for feare of reuenge,ifwehauenot praifedGod for any light, or anygood motion that hehathputin- tovs? Forwant hereof,after force lightningfollowethComedarknes,and after much fee- lingcommeth deadnes : andby this meanes Satan goeth about to take all Godsgraces fromvs. Dattid faith, Bleffedart thenLord, Oteachmethyiatntes. This fheweth that we mutt euerpraifeGod beforewe come to reade. Many are feruentin asking,but cold ingiuingthankes. And ifwe would giue thankes,toGod,icwouldmuch cafe vsin asking,andGodwouldnotpunifhvs sn ta- kinghisgracesfrom vs. FINS.