A SHORT FORME OF CATECHISING: WITH CERTAINE GODLY LE- TERS FOR THE INSTRVCTION AND COMFORTING OF SOME FRIENDS AFFLICTED. Py(/tita.gerl;ICHARDCiRE'ENNAM. FLEE R. 5, I2. When as concerning the time yeought tobe teachers,'yet haue ye neede againethat we . teachyou thefirilprinciples ofthewordof God,andarebecomeEichas haue needeof milke,andnotofffrongmeata. Lo B. Verle r6. Heoppeneth thecares ofmeneuer by their correllions, which hefealeth. Verle 23. Ifthere be ameilinger with himor an interpreter,oneofathoufandtode_ dare vnto man hisrighteaufne: Verle 24. Thenmill hehaue mercie onhim. e London, Imprinted byFELIX KYNGSTON,TOr ROBERT DE x T a It, and aretobe{bide at his !hop inPaulesChurch- yard at thelgne of the brafen Serpent. 16 or.