TO THE RIGHT VER.TV- OVS AND GODLY GENTLEWO- MEN, MISTRIS ANNE BovvrES, AND S MISTRIS A. T Ev ENS, `H.I3. WISHETH all comforts andmercies in Id-us ChM} to bemultiplied. He holyAportle_S_.Iohn f ithhehad nogreater ioy thin this, to Iohn 3.4. heare thathis f noes didwalke inthe truth. The f meofec7,onall thétrue cgfinis9ersofChriFt hace in .famemeafure towards all the otmes anddaughtersofGod:fecially fuckasthey bauegai- ne or Godby thembathbrought tothefaith ofChris'''. Iamwell ofredyouremember *slier G R i EN u A M s great careand lonetowards you, which wasvnfained, becaufi of thegoodexpe- riencehe hadofyourynfainedfaith inChrir7, andlouetowards him. ifhehad longer lined, bewouldhaue reioycedyetmuch moretofee your louefo in- creafeïnknowledge,andthe testimonies ofyourloue in thefniteofrighteotfneffe,andin yourgodly perfeuerancein the truth. %gw receiuehis works, andwhatyou long expected anddefiredtofee.ThisCatechiifinel haue ffent you, thaeyoumayteaéhityourihi ldren, as Euniceand Loisdid their Thefelettersferuewellforyourowne v fe_ thatyou may heare himalwaiesfpeakeinhisabfencefromyou, whom pup reioyced toheare, being prefent withyou : andthat oumay bane his owne very words written andfit beforeyour eyes,whichyouhaueheardoften toyourgreatioy founding inyour cares,thatfo intheend, you maybe able byyourgoodexperience tocomfortothers, withChefme comforts, where withyeare andhaue beenbybimsomfortedofGod. ForthefaithfullareexercfdofGod diuerflie : forme by outward,fame by inwardafflictions ofminde : andfaene haue both troubleswithout,and terrors within. Suchat. benotacquaintedwith the troublesofmind, whatfoenergifts theybaue,can bring but coldecomfort intime ofswede, toPoorePulesaf- fluted, asis verymania iii, both by Scriptureandourcommon experience. Now the Godof peacefan&ßeyau, bothinfßirit,foule,andbodie,andbeepeyouwith allyours blamelef vetothe commingof ourLord left&Christ. omen. Yourseuerin Iefus ChriE, HENRY HOLLAND.