Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

A SHORT FORME OF CATECHISING: Hereasall men delire tobe bleffed, and the molt men are deceivedinfee- king bleffednes : tellme which is the trueway thereunto? "fo know God to bee my father in refus Chrift,bythe reuela- tion of the Spirit according tohis worde, and thereforeto Perot him according to his will, and to Pet foorth his glorie; belee- uing that I !hall want nothing that is good for metin this life, andthat I !hall enioy eucrlaiting bleflednrffe in the worlde to orne. Howknowyou this? P,ytbcworkingof the holy Glioit, and by the meanes ofGods word. what callyou Godsward? It is the reucaledwill ofGod letforth veto vs in theholy Scriptures. Which callyou the holy Scriptures? Thebookes ofthe old and newTenament, coinrnonly calledCanonical!. Areall thingsthat are necelfariefor vs toknow,ontainedinthem? Yea : for God being full ofall wiledomeand goodnelfe, would leaveout nothingthat was requifite for vs to know. [tit lawfullfor toaideor tà takeany thingfromGodsword? No : for Godbath flatly forbidden it,and hath pronouncedgrievous curfesupon thofe that doeit. Why is it f grievousafine? Bccanfeit isa very great finne to alter the laic will ofa mortal! man : therefore much more grievousá Gnne it is to changethe laftTeftament ofthe eternal! God. Why is itrequifite that the willofGodfhouldbelet forthvzto vs? That wemight banepure rules ofhis worfhip,and liregrounds ofour faluation. ha itnot lawful! to repofeanypart ofGods warfilip or offaloation in the docirine anddoings ofmen? No : for allmen bynatureare lyars,and defiled with Gnne. Whatfalloweth hereof? Thatall mensdobtrines and doings aremingled with lyesand corruptions. Howfarrearewebound to their doe-trinesanddoings? So fitrreforth as theybe agreeabletoGods word. May dreads, theScriptures? Yea, all that be of age able todifcernebetweene good and euill, ought to encreafe in All muffread, knowledge for their furtherancein faluation,as they encrealein yeeres. thescripturer. Whymull allfaith reade theScriptures? r. First,becaufecuery one mull be able to proue and trie himfelfetvhetherheebein the faith orno. o.Cor. r 3.5 Why elf ? a. SccOndly,becaufeawryone muft beable to prone and examine mensdoarinesand [email protected], T 4 doings 211