zlz Heb.3.ss. sdecs.?. Readingthe Scriptures in the Church. Treadling. Hcb.4.s. neeriug the word. tsw. GojYCg. ei!/hortformeofCatechzfiñg. doings by the Scriptares,chat they benot in their faluatiou by themdeceiued. ;. Thirdly,becaufeentryonemnft beable, ashiscallingrcquireth ,coteach,adinoniTh, exhort,and comfort one another. q. Fourtbly,becaufe curry one mutt be able tomake an account of the faith andhope that is in him. Whatifmen cannot reade? 'Mr is they mull vie the helpe ofothers that can reade? Is it enough toreade theScriptures privately,orwith others? No : for Gadbathalto commandedto hearéthem readpublikely in the Church. And is it enough to heart them readpublikel in the Church,? No :for he alto harts ordained preaching to be vied. why muffpreachingbe ioynedwith reading? Becaufeit is themolt principal? and proper ineanes to begetfaith in vs. whymailfaithbe mixed with the word read andpreached? Because otherwife thewordprofited] vs nothing. Flow many things are reguifiteto be inenvy one that will come to heare thewordread and preached? Atuongft others foureareneceffarie. whattsfirii?? r Firft,atrembling feare oftheMaiellieofGod. z. Secondly,an alluredfaith inChrilt. 3. Thircüv,an earnest endeuour to frameourhues thereafter. 4. Fourthly, they mutt pray for the holyGhoul to be giuen them, to enlighten their mindes,and towrite all thefe things in their hearts. whichbethe principal?parts ofGods word? TheLaw and the Golpell. what ca!?you the Law? Itis that partof the wórd thatcommandeth allgood,and forbiddethall euill. wWhat fwecouldkeepe the Law? Then ime Mould be blefled. V!/hatifwe breaks theLaw? Then weare fubicblto the curieofGod,and fo to deathand damnation. VV/rost callson theGorpell? It is thatpart ofthe word which containeth the freepromifes of God madevnto vs is Islas Chriit,without any reipe& ofour deferuings.- !/that doth that worksinvs? It ivorketh vt vs a trueand liuely faith in Iefus Chrilt, wherebywee lay hold ofthe free reuulhon ofour finnesin him,and the truerepencanceofthem. what muff' we learn by the wholeword ofGod? 1. Firft,tomakea right and found entrance toour faluation. Two risings: - a.Secondüe, how to encreafe and continue in the fame vnto the end. What is required for our right andfoundentrance to ourieluation? ' i.Firft,tó know and to beperfwadedof thegreatnes of ourlinnes,and themiferie due tothe Paine. Three risings are I z.Sccondly,to know andbeperfwaded bowwe may be deliuered from required : { them. ;.Thirdly,to know andbeperfwaded what thankeswe owe toGod for our deluerance. HowThad wee come to the rightfleet a f*fsnnes,anda foundperfwafion ofthesteamsof deem? 4 By thefpiritof God leadingvs intothe true vnderftandingof the law,and adue exa- mination of our fettles thereby. f/Pliere is the lawfet dome?. it