Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

e/I/lortformeofCatechng: 213 It is written inmanyplaces of theScriptures,but the formethereofiscontained in the tenne Commandements. Rehearfe them? I ain the Lord chyGod,thou fhalt hauenone othergods but me. ,Floware they diteded? Into two principali heads or tables,astheybecalled. What doththefirfl table teachvs? It teacheth vs our dune towards God,and iscontained in the foure firít Commande- inents. What doth thefecondteach vs? Ourdutie cowards our neighbour,and is contained inthe fixe lathCommandements. Why arethe duties towardsGodfet donnebefore the dutiestowards our neighbour ? r. Becaufe the loueof God is the ground ofthe loue ofour neighbour. Amos Dei ad Whatfollowethhereof? moren proxí- t. Thatnone can rightly louehis neighbour excepthe firft loue God. mi gencrar- ó Y P> P óeneraüob- why arethe duties towardsour neighbourioynedto our duties tonerds God? feruations con- 3. Becaufe the loueofour neighbour is theproofeof our loue towards God. ceraingthe What enfueth hereof? Decalogae. 4. That nonecan loue God aright,except he alto louehis neighbour. Whyere theCommandementsfir down intenneparts,andnot ingenerall? g. Becaufe God is not pleafed withdoing our duties in generali or in Runepart,but her will bewholy ferued inall and eueryone ofhisCommandements. why are theyfetdownfngularly or to eueryone? 6. Becaufe eueryonemull doeIts ownedurie,thoughnone goebefore him. Whatfollowethofthis? That curryone mutt beare his owne burthen, and none (hall haue excufeby the ex- ample ofothers. Arethere notfome rates whichferuefor thebetter vnderflandingofemery one oftheCom- mandements? Yea,therebe foure which havefpeciall vies t. Firlt, ineuery commandement wheremill isforbidden, there thecontrariegood is Rules. commanded. a. Secondly,manymor euils areforbidden,and many moegood timings are comman- dedin euerycommandement,than inword are exprefíed. 3. Thirdly,becaufeGod is atpirit,thereforehis commandementsarefpirituall, and re- quire fpuituall obedience. 4. Fourthly,incurry commandement whereeuill is forbidden, there the occafions of themill areforbidden : and wheregood iscommanded, therealfo the occafions of good are commanded. RehearfethefrrflCommandement. t.Precept. Thoulhalt haue none othergods but ine. Whatmill is heregenerally forbidden? Euen that whichthe words doe import. Whatgoodis commanded? TohaueGod tobemyonlyGod,and tobealwaiesinhisprefence. What is it to haste Godtobe our oneyGod? Togiue him all thingswhich beproper and peculiartohis Maieftie. Whichbe thole that properly concernGod,andthereforebe thefpeciallthings commanded? They be verymany. Rehearfe thefummeofthem,whereby the ref! may bevnderllood. I ainbound tobeleeue in God, to loueGod, to feare and obey him, topray vntohim andpraifehim. After whatfort mußyouperform theft duties offaith, loue,fart., obtds'ence,prayer,and rhankefginmg? With