ZIZI. eftfhortformeof Catechifing. With my wholemind andvnderitanding,withmy-whole heartandmywhole ftrength: !?reìllforbid- Whichbethe peculiarf:nneshereinforbidden? dea. To faite ingiuingto Godanyof thefeor the like forenamed good things,in any part or in any refpeót. whatelfe isparticularly forbidden? Togiue any of the forenamed good things toany creature,or any other thingwhatfee- uer,whereby myheart may be wtthdrawnefromGod inanypart or in any refpe61. Which be theoccafions ofthe breachofthis Commandement? z. Firft,the vaine delireofthe pleafures,riches,and glorieof this world. z. Secondly,a negligent and careleffe vieofthe means to ferueGodhis prouidence. Goodcomman- "- Arenotthe contrarygood things tothefecommanded? ded. Yea: whichare they ? r. Firft, aheart contented with anyeftate, and vfingthings-of thisworld as thoughwee vied themnot. z. Secondly,a-reuerend and diligentvieof themeonesto ferueGods prouidence. ReheärfethefecondCommandement. T'hefecond Thoulhalt not make to thy felfeany grauenImage,nor thelikenelfe,&c. commode- what millis expreffelyforbidden in this Commandèment? meat. Iam forbidden tomake any Image eitherto reprefent.God,or toworfhip6itu by. What Milt'sgenerally forbidden? Generall exits. I Inuitauoide all inuentions anddeuices ofmen in theoutward worfhip of God,which becontrarie orbetide the written wordof God. Whichbe thefpeciallexileforbidden? Specieends. Chiefly allcorruption in thefubltanceofdoftrine,prayer,Sacramentsand difciplineof the Church. . . What octagons meant/ beforbidden? oceeflinoof There be folne whichwee inuftneceffarily auoide,vnleffe wee will fall into fuperftition thebreach of and idolatrie ç and theybe theft : tbefecondlaw. t. Firft,to ioynethe falfeparts of worfhipwith thetrue worfhip ofGad. z. Secondly,tobeprefent rnbodie at idolatrous.and fuperftitious,feruice. 3. Thirdly,the reCeruationofMine ipeciall monument offuperftiaon and idolatrie. Which be the le/fer vacationsforbidden, andyet (fo wee home thefpeciallgroundsof Gods worfhip) wemuJlandmaÿ tolerate themwhen wecannot elpe them? Wien we muff r. Firlt,all:yarn,idle, and fitperftitions ceremonies :: tolerate in a. Secondly,all keeping companiewith fake worfhippers. Charch,which ". . jinot the euillinheartelfo forbidden ? lienot in our Yea,fo farreforthas I lull inmy heart to haueany ofthempretiaile or be eftabliflsed. power to re- Whatgoodis generally commanded? forme. General!good. Allthe outward intonesofGods worfhip,whichbeagreeableto Isiswrittenword. What isfpecially commanded? speciall good I mullvfefuchdoetrine,pprayers,Sacraments,and difciplineof tise..Church,asbeagree- things. able toGods word in the fubitance. What or-cations of goodbe here commanded? occafonsof z.Fir(t,tohaueandvlè good. bookes ofthedoarine andhiftorieof theCJntrch,written good. according to Gods word. z. Secondly,erefting&maintaining fchoolesof learnit g,as.nurferiesofthe Minifterie. sufeoentpro- 3Thirdly,lufficientprouifion tobe madefor theMiniftersof Gods word. uijwrz firGods 4.Fourthly,buildmgandmaintaining Churches,and all things. belonging thereunto. (erulce. 5. Fiftly,I muft vieAllgood ceremonies and orders'agreeable co the word of God. 6. Sixrly,allfamiliarcompanie with thetine woifhippers ofGod. Whatgoodinheart is commanded? Ioh.t. I am commanded toefe the means ofGods-worfhipnot onelyoutwardly, but alto in fpirit and truth. What