eft f ortformeofCatechifing. z What is meant by thefe wurdet: For I the Lord thy Godam aiealonsGod,eyc. That God will punifn falfeworfhip inthe talleworlhippers,and in their pofteritievn- to the fourth generation. What is meant by thef words Andvialfhero mercy vesto thoufands,&c. That Godwill bielle his trueworfhip in the true worshippers and their pofteritie vnto the thoufand defcent. What isthevf ofthofe? The vfe is to make falfe worfhippe more vile, and histrue worfhipmorepretious in ü! :C eies. Rehearfe the third commaundement. Thou (halt not take the nameof the Lordthy God in vaine,&c. ;.Precept. What euilt be hereforbidden ? r. Fitt, aliperiurie,banningor curling,enchanting,orconiuring. z. Scondly,all (wearingby falfegods,or namingthem with reuerence. 3. Thirdly,all cuffomable fwearingorfpeaking of Godwithoutreuerence. 4. Fourthly,rocaufe Godsname to bedrlhonouredby falfe doclrine or vngodly life' either in my felfe orinothers. Whatgood is herein commanded? iu(liee. r. First in matters concerning Gods glory, iudgement. Imutt fweare by God onely,in trueth. z. Secondly, I muff endeuour frommyheart togrow vp intrue knowledge , and a godly life, that fo Gods name may be praifed in my kite and by my example in others. What is meant by chefs words: For theLordwill not holds him guiltleffe,&c.: ThatGod will cerrainoly punifh the difhonouring of hisname in any fort. What iscamyl?, ofthin? The vieof this is: to makevs more fearefullto difhonour him,andmorecarefull toglo- rifie hisnaine. Rehear( the fourthcommaundement. Rememberthe Sabboth dayto keepe it holy,&c. What ishere generally commaunded? Iam commanded tomake itmy wholedelight,to fanaifythe holy Sabbothofthe Lord 4Precept. frommorning to night. What isparticularly commaunded? Publi eextr. a. Firfe to vieall the publikemeanes ofGods worlhip in the congregation of Gods PPJes lt people. z, Secoridly,to rejoice tovfe all fuchprivate otercifesasmay make thc publikemeans profitable tomy (elfeand to others. Whichbe thofeprimateexertsfes ? r Ferft, the examining of my finnes and wants,private praier, readingiof the Scrip- r¡fm0ateeXert cures, tinging ofPfalmes,conferencewith others, andapplying all things to my felfewith a care to profit others. z. Secondly,relieuing the needie, vifiting the ficke, and them that be inprifon, com- fortingthemthat be inany miferie,reconciling them that be atvariance, admonifhing theunruly, and fuel) like. Whatis efpecially commaunded ? The fpiriruall beholdingofthecreaturesofGod, thereby to prouokemy felfe and o- thersto rain him. What elfe is? Adiligent fèarchingof myheart with a likecareto findeitout, and torapeforepro- fit ofthe forenamed meanes,fó that Imay bethe better forand through them. Whatis thenparticularlyforbidden t. All fuch labours and pleafures inthought, word, anddeed arc forbidden, as may hindernit andothers for vfing of,or profiting by thefain tncanes. a. Scondly,