Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

216 eJJ7ortformeofCatechiing. 2. Sceondly,the leaningvnufed any of thofe publike meanes orpríuate exercifes. what is heregenerally forbidden? The vfingeither oftholepublikeorprivatemcanes in ceremonie without foie good fruit in my felfe, orcareof fruit inothers. Reheárfe thefift commaundement? Honour thyfather and thymother, that thydaiesmay be longin the laìad, &c. g.Precept. whomdoeyou vnderltand byfather and mother? By father and mother I doe not vnderdand onely my natural! parents, but alto thofe whomGod hails fey ouerme for mygood,as magiltrates,minitlers , maifters,& fuch like. Whatdueties doechildren owevnto theirnaturallparente? Children ought rcuerentlyand obedientlytoreceiue the inftru&ions, comtnaunde- ments,andcorrections of their parents,to luecourthern,and to pray for them. Whatare they forbidden todoe. To refute, or murmur at theinftruaions, commanndements,and correblionsof their parents, or .toneglef any duetie belonging to them. Howmay they trie their lone by theee duetie:? 7riallofthe They may trie whether their loue beright three wares.. toueofchildren r. Fid,iftheybeasdefrrous to doe all theft dueties to their parents, as theywould toparento. haue their parents todoe all dueties unto them. VTThat is thefecond? a. Secondly,if they beas deurous to doe all dueties to their parents, as ti:cy woulde hauetheir children hereafter to honourthem. Vyhat rs the third? 3. Thirdly, if they bee as willing to doeall thrfe dueties to their parentes, as they . would terrine long lifeor any other blellirig attise hands of God. Whatduetie: doeparentsowe to their children? Parents ought to teach, correkh, pray, and prouide for their children. Thriller' rbe How may they trie their loue by there dueties? toe: ofpa- They may trie their loue two wares. rents to chit- VThat is the firs? t dren, T. Pied,if they be as carefullto do alldueties totheir children,as theywouldhaue had their parents intithesparttohaue performed allgoód duetiesvino them. VVhatis thefecond? a. Secondly, if theybe as carefull to doe duetiesto their children, as they woulde have their children hereafter to be duetifull veto them. Vf/hat be the duties offeruantes to their mailers ? Seruaítti ought iiifeare and trembling to lhbmit themfelues to the inftrudlions, cotn- maundements, andcorre&ions oftheir mailers, and to dono eieferuice tothem. PThat ifparents andmailersdoenot their dueties to their children andfermant:? Yet they mull obey them for confcience toGods ordinance. YVhat ifthey commaund vninfl thing:? Then they mull obey God rather than men, and fnbmit themfelues to their cor- re&ions. VVhyare ihefe wordsadded: That thy daie:,&c. They areadded to allure vs more carefully to keepe and willingly to obey this coin maundement. Indshallnot &fobediencebepuni/bed? Yea : it fhall be rewarded with a fhort and miferable life, How may they trietheir lone by thefe dueties? Theymaytricitthreemannerof wares. YYhatirthefirfl? 'Trig efthe r. Firlt,iftheybe as defirous to doall there duetiesto theirwafters, astheywoold liana ¡orne!' fern their:rnáfters doe the dutieOf wafters vntothem. cants to their yphat is thefecond? tnafterr. 1. Secondly'