Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

el' ¡hartformeof Cntechi ng, 217 Secondly, if they beeascareful! to doe all there duties to theirmailers , as they would hauetheir feruants to bedutiful! vnto themwhen they (hall bemailers. VVhat is the third? Thirdly, ifthey be aswilling to doall duties to their mailers, as theywould beglad to receive long lifeor anyother blefrng at the hand of God. Whatduties doeMatters owe their ferments? Mailers oughtto teach and corretl their feruants,and topray for them. Howmaytheytrie their lone bythefe duties ? the laue'of.,Va. Theymay trie their lone twowayes. fie, is Se r- Ohar isthi firft? Saute. 1. Fill, if theybe asdefirous to doeall thefduties totheir feruants , asthey would haue theirmailers deale with them,if theywere feruants. VVhat isthefecond thing? a. Secondly, ifthey beas careful! todoall there duties to their feruants, asthey would be to haue their feruants to doe all duties vnto them. Rehearfe thefixt Commandement? Thefist Pre- Thou (halt dono murder. cept, How many things are hereforbidden? rr. Ftrftis forbidden, by weapon or poyfon tokill our brother.. a. Secondly, by wound orblowe, or, any other meanes to fhorten the <I lifeor empayrethehealth of any man. ?curecfpecially : 3. Thirdly,by word,countenance,or gefture,to mocke,grieue,or con- tenure anyman. 4. Fourthly, weare forbidden all anger, hatred, orenuie, wherebywe may be broughtto rcuenge our ¡clues uponour brother. VVhatgood ishere commanded? a. Firft weeare commanded to havepeace midi all men, asmuch as ispoffible and invs lyeth. a. Secondly, weare commanded in thought, wordand deed, tofeeke the preferuationof thehealth of our brother. Rebearfe thefeúenthCommandement? Thefeuenth Thou fhaltnot commit adulterie. Trecept. . How many things arehere forbidden? Three things are forbidden. Whichis the frft? Firft all outward anions are forbidden whereby thebody is defiled , as adulterie,forni- cation, vncleannelfe. How manie walesisvncleanneffe committed? Our ownebodies ; which is vnnaturall : ¡Firft,eitheragainft or, Thebodiesof beafles; which is monftrous. Twáwaìesa ri.Of afalfereligion; ' or, LI a.Of no religionat all. Secondly, by marrying one, c 3 .Withinthe degrees forbidden. I4,Withoutthe confentofparents. ,Rmanmap St is committed by vfing the marriage commitadS[- L bedde intemperately. teriewithhis I VVhat is thefecund thingforbidden? tuseVVife. Secondly, all inftruments and occafons areforbidden, whereby this finneisrayfed vp or llrengthened invs, and theybe allcorstained inthisword, VVantonnefe. Howisreantonneffefeene. V In