zig ellJhortformeof Catechi zng. ( t. thewhole bodie is abufedin idleneffe, Or'mine eFirlt, wheneither )O fports : or, a. anypart of the bodie , asthe eye, the Bare, the In two things: tongue, thenofe, the hand orfoot areabided. Sccondly,when we doeintemperately abufemeate;drinke, feepe, or l. apparell, orvfe any inconuenienecompanie,time,or place. What is thethird thing forbidden? Thirdly, all inward feriad lulls areforbidden, whereuntotheheart clothgiueconfent. VT"hatgood is commanded? a. First, Iam commanded to keepe myfelfepure and chaff both in bodie and fohle. a. Secondly, tovfe thofe meanes carefully, which may keepe vs chaff, Whichbe themeanes of Chaf?itie? .1leener of Continuall fobrietie in meate,drinke, fleepe, and apparel!. Chaftitie. Continuall paincfulneflè in our calling. Falling and watching fo oftenas neederequireth. Whatif by rhefemeanes we cannot bekept chaff? 3. Then thirdlywe are commanded to marrie,and inmarriage to vfethofc meanescata fully, wherebythe marriagebed may be kept pureandvndefiled. Rehearfe the eight Commaundement? S Precept. Thou (halt not fteale. Howmany euilsare herein forbidden? t. Firii, all thofe outward ae-l. arefor bidden, whereby flealtli is committed. Hawmany wales is ffealth committedoutwardly in ad? 1.Firtt, alllccretfilchingand open robberie, be it of neuer fo finall a thing, for neuerfo great a neede. rgyour felnes,andthis e. Secondly,all extortionor violentwrong, ail is 3. wayes : -I oppreffionand vnmercifull dealing. I3. All deceit in buying and felling orexchan- Two wayes, ging, in reaming thrnaes borrowed, found, either 1 giuentokeepe, and !hell like. BycommandingOrcounfelling others to ffeale. By others, eitherl Bykeeping counfell.. Byconfenting any wayto themwhen theyfteale; VI/inch are the fecondmils forbidden? 2. Secondly, all outward occafionsof healtharc forbidden. YVhich be they? All idlenes,wallefull fpendingofgoods,liuing inan vnlawfui calling,allfall waights, meafures, coyness and fuck like. What is thirdly forbidden? 3. Thirdly, all inwarditealth of theheart is forbidden. Which is that? The fetled will or delire of ourneighbours goods, althoughwe cannot getthem,orfor feare, fhame, or fume other refpea wedonot takethen. What is here commanded? 1. First, torelloregoodsmill gotten, orwrongfully kept. a. Secondly, to labourfaithfully in a lawfull calling, to be(paringof thatwee get, and to lielpe othersas their neede requireth. Rehearfe theninth Commandement. Thou flialt not bearefalle witnellé, &c. Whatis forbidden herein? We are forbiddennot onely to bear;falte witneffeour felues, but alto to bepartakcrs with falte witnes bearers. fdleneffe. ge(G'ttation. q.Preiept.