e/f !bortformeof Oatèchiling. 291 How manyways doe menBearefa f witneffe? iniudgetnente rother,andthatii or rr:outwardly out of indgement. Twowayes:i and a ainftç. or, rWhenthey deniethat to bee in ¿sinwardly I thenwhichisindeed: dtentfelues. i or, ( When theytakevpon themthat Faf roitneß. which belongeth notvoto the, I whetherit be good or cull!. InIudgement,when they glue or receivefalfe information pronounceor write anyfalle fentence. S s. When any raifevp,fpread abroad, orliftenafter falle reports. Pfal.rp. Outofiudgement. a. When any report thefaults of others without care of their credit, or whenwith flattering hearts,they commend any man. s. In fulpitionwithout iuft caufe. :Inwardly either 2. In judgement falfelyor hardly of any man. tampcymot VVhicb be the occafionsof f e/fewitneffe bearing? reithoutany Theybe fleíhlyhatred of our enemies, the carnall loueof our feluesor of our friends; poneaping c, toget the thingswe lone, and toauoid the things ivefeareor hate. the ninth tom= Howare wepartalersseit/ felfewitneffebearers? matdrment. fl iveeither command or counleil it to bedone. - r.Cor.r;. If wemitlike it not, or not ftay it ifwe can. Charitie Taff e. VVhat ishere commanded? ¿tab no ektK t. Pirff, in iudgementto further righteouscaufes fo farre forthas my callingrequireth. z. Secondly, to fpeake thetrueth frommy heart toeuery man,fo farre forth asit is requi- firefor hint io know it. 3. Thirdly,to besscarefull of the credit of my neighbour as of mineowne, both inhis prefence andablhnce,fo farreforthas the natureof his offence will permit. 4. Fourthly, to hopeand beleeue thebeft of eueryman. Rehearfe the tenthcommandement. Thoufaate not covet, &c. ro,Treeept; Areall motionsanddefires eui/I? No :for the defire of mear,drinke, Ileepe, and fuels likearenaturall,and in theirowne nature good, vn lcflè throughour corruption theybecome linfull. VVhatmotionsbeeuill? Nation. God; Thofemotions beeuill,which are either againft or, Ourneighbour. Areall thofe forbidden inthisCommandement? No:forall tholewhich are again/} God are forbidden in the fart[ commandement: but tholemótionsonelyare here forbidden,which are again ft our neighbour. tYhatmotioxp Seeing in the formercammandemantswe areforbiddentohurtour neighbourin heart,how are Both thisdfer,, from theformer... the tenth Commands In the former commandements the felleddefiresofthe heart areforbidden:but thetoo- meat. tioosare onely here forbidden whereunto theheart dothnot coulent. Whereofde tholemerionsarife? Theyeitherarife trotn our ownecorruption, or are offeredby Satan or bythe world. Are all thefe motionsfnne invs? All that arifhof our corruption , are finnes in vs : but theythat beoffered by Satan or theworld, arenot hussies; ynleewebeinfe/Ited with turns. Haw are we irefe..ged with them? 5. When we take pleafurein them. a. Whenwebe intangled withthem. 3, When Hewwee be in= felted with the,matiaru