Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

220 êflfhortformé of Catechi ang. whichsome 3.Whenwe fuller thetn to tarie in our minds,though ourheartsdonotgiue confent.' fromsathoz How i.r this Commandementbroken? and thexortd' r t. Firft , whenmill motiònsarife of our corruption mooningvs tohurt our neighbours. ' Three I z. Secondly , whenwee be infeóted with thofetnotions which Satan or mill waits:{ men doputintoour mindes. 3. Thirdly, when we donot withlikeaffeaiondefire the goodof ourneigh: t. bouras we doour owne. what is thencommanded? I am commanded to louemy neighbour asmy Idle. Whois your neighbour? Whoisour Every onethat is neere suce and ftandeth in needeofmy helpe, anditlyeth inmerto neighlioar helpe him, thougliotherwifehebeaftrangervnto me, ormyfoe. WI?y iudgeyoufo? Becaufe of the Imageof God inhim, and that hee is mineowne Rabin refpeEt ofout firft parents. Doh the Lawof Godprefcribe theperjit rule ofrighteoufnes? Yea : for there is no good thing indeed, word, or thought, but here it is commanded, and likewifenomill, buthere it isfòrbidden. Canmayone keepethe lamof Godperfidy? They that are not borne againe ofGod cannot keepeit neither all , nor inanyone point, as pleatingGod thereby inrelpea of thenifelues. Why fo? 101u3 Except a man beborneagaine of God, bee cannot fee the kingdome ofheauen,nor entertherein, neithercan hee keepe the commandements of God : moreouer, allmenby Ephe.z.; naturebeing borne andconceived in finne are not onely infufhcient toanygood thing, but altodifpofed toall vice and wickednefie. . What puni!hment is dueto the breakers of Godslam? In this lifethe curie of God, and death, with manifolde miferiesboth of bodyor foule or both. Whatelle? Where thiscurie is nottakenaway,eueriafting deathand. damnationboth of bodyand foule in the worldto come, But Godismercifull. He is indeed fullof tnercie, but [leisalto fullof righteoufnes,whichmutt fullybeedif charged, or elfe we cannot bepartakers of his mercte, Andcannot weby oar friarsmake fatisfatlion forour Ames? We cannotby anymeanes, but rather from dayto day encreafeour debt. Batdoth not God wrong to man, to requireof him that he ;snot able toperforme? No :for God mademan fo,that hemight haueperformed it : but he by hisfinne fpoiled himfelfeandhis pofteritie of thofe gòod gifts. Can any creature in heaven andearthwhich ís rely a creature,make, fatisfattiontohis ilehteaufniJfe? No, noneat all : for bell, God will not punifla that in another creature, which is dueto . be paidby man : and beide, nonethat is only acreature can abidethe wrath of God a- gainft finne, anddeliver others from thefame. VV/satmannerof manis to befought out to beourMediatour and Deliverer? YfieMediator Heewhich is indeed avery man and perfeéìlyrighteous,and moremighty thenall erea- defcrabed. tures, that is hewhich alto is very trueGod. YYhy mullhebe man, andperfettly righteous? that the fame nature that finned, Becaute that the righteoutneffe of God requireth, flouldpay and make amendsfor finne, My mullbe be God Withal!? and Becautè that by hisgodly power he mayabide the burden ofGods wrath in hisflefh,nar