d Jyortf rme ofCatecbi i ig.. 221 may get againe and reftoreto vsthe righteoufneffe and lifewhich wehaue loft. Who is thatMediatour which is very Godand very man,ánd perfidy righteous.ritball? OurLord Iefits Chrift, whowas madevnto vs wiledome, righteoulnefle, fan&ification r.Cora. And redemption. What is thevfe ofall that hitherto loath been taught? The vfe is to bring vs to a foundperfwafion and teeltngofour fins,becaufe they haue deferued fo grieuous ppuniflunent, aseither the deathof thefonne of Godor hellfire Are they only delivered from the ctwfeof the law, and madepartakers of the meritesof aria that are tritely humbled? They ouely andnone óther.: Efay.57. híatthew.f.3..5. and as for the Lane , hea- uenand earth fhall paffe away : but onetoteor tittle ofGods Law fhall not faiteUdall be fulfilled. Howis the troth of Gods Law fulfilled? C a.Gods children g becaufeit bringeth them to betruely humbled in them- lelues for their francs, and then fendeth them toChnft, in.whome it is It isfulfilled fully fulfilled. in Iz. The wicked; becaufe it declareth to them theiriuft confufion, when to I the endethey either prefume or defpaire. Is furrow forJinnfufficient to bring vs to faluatian? No : forwe mull alto haue atruefaith. What is that true faith-that fannn s os ? r Faithdefined It is a trueperfwafion of the merciesof Godmerited by our Lord Ie.us Chrift. Hou fhall néattain to this true faith? By theforkof Gódgiuingvs this trueperfwafion by the Gofpell. VVhere is the Gofpetl declared onto vs? It is generally declaredvnto vsin the holyScriptures : butthe Churchof God bathga- thered ourcf them a certaine fumure thereof. Which is that? The Articles ofOurChriltian faith, commonly called the Creede. .Rebearfethe Articles of our Chriflian faith? I beleeuein God theFather Ahnightie,maker ofheauén andearth, c. .Into howmani partsare theArticles diulded? Into two: tlse lrft is, of faith inGod. chefecondis, 6ffaith concerningthe Church. Mat areyoutaught to beleeuein thefirflpart? Father. the fie tpartIdeclarethatIbeleeueinGodthe Sonne. H.ghoft. Why fay you 1beleeue inGodand not inGods? Becauléthere isbutone only trueGod vponwhommy faith is wholy frayed. Father, Seeing there is butone God, whysiameyou three, the Sonne, Holy Ghofl? Becaufe thatGodbathfo manifeftedbimfelfe in hisword that theft fundrieperfons are but onetrueandeuerlallingGod. Why fay you,1beleeue in God,andnotrather, that there is a God? By laying ,1 beleeuein.God, I declare that I put mywhole trult and affiance in God ; whereas the Diuels and wickedmenbeleeuingthat there is aGod, yer cannot put their whole truft andconfidence inGod, . Why fayyou, 1beleeue,asidnot, We beleeue?s Becaufe I must be failed by mine owne faith, and not by the faith ofanother. WhycallyouGod, Father? Becaufe he is the Creator of heauen and earth, and fo isthefather ofall creatures? WhycallyouGod, Greatour of heavenandearth, andnot Mallrnf'heauen andearth? V Becaufe