Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

z ellJort forrneof Catechi rng. eW hatcreat - Becaufe he created all thing of nothing ; for to create,is to niake á thing nothing :, butto shake, is to makea thingof that which was fotnething before. whycallyoubim, fllmightie? Becaulèashe created allthings ofnothing, fodoth hee preferueand guidethemby his aim ightiepower, wiledome, iuffice, and mercie. . Pre of the Ail .What comfort doh thisarticle mimfíervntoyou? articleofthe It miniftreth untome foure notable comforts: creed. r. Firff,that al the good Angels ofGodihalwatch oucrme,and pitch theirtentsabout me, z. Secondly, that neitherthe diuell no men (hallhaue any power tohurt me, but when ard as farre forth asGod dothgiue themleaue. g. Thirdly, that I (half hauea profitable and conuenient vfe ofall Gods creatures. ¢. Fourthly,though I fuffer hurtby Sathar.,or want of thecreatures;yet allthis fhal turn tomy goodin the ende. How can this be? BecaufeGod can do it as an almightyGod,&wil doitas a moftmerciful & louingFather: True it is, that bycreationwehad thisbenefice, butwe haueloftit,and arebecome thechit. drenofwrath : how then can God becomeourFather, andfbewhis mercieOnto vs? Heis become our Fatherby faith in Iefus Chrtff the Sonneof God. What beleeueyouof God theSonne? r. Firl'r, Ibeicrue chat he isable toworke my faluation. 2. Secondly,I beleeue that he hashwroughtit indeed, after that manner thatis fetdown inthe Creed. Howcanyou beleeue that he is ableto wor/e your,faluation? Idobeleeueht, becaufe Ire is both Godandman, and bath an officefromGodtheFa:; ther to vvorkeruy faluation. Bewhat words in the Creeddoe youbeleeife Chrifi tode God? By theft. wordes, Hisonelie Sonue, Ideclare thadI beleeuein Chrift the onely begotten Sonne of God,begotten of hisFather before allworlds, Godof God,Lightof Light very God ofvery God, bçgöttennotmade, beingofone iübllance with theFather, by whom all things weremade. Whit call yeas the oneliebegotten Sonneof God? Becaufe he is the alone Sonneof God by'nature. Howcanthisbe, f eingAdam, the Angels, and wealpbe the fauns of God? Adamwas the Sonne of God bycreation, which wehauc loft, butyet webe theTonnes of God by regeneration. Whatdaeitrequifile that bef i?,s4 beGod? Becaufenothing but God was able to abide and .ouercome the wrath of God andthe punifhment dueveto thine. Cbrift eerie What comforthaueyou by this, that Chrisi is God? God, Hereby I am lure ti chti is able tofauemeby reconcilingrnetothe Father that hemay make use thechild of Cod, Br what weeds in the Creeddoyog'fheni thatyoubeleeueChriitalesman? By thefs words, Borneof the PiroinMarie, i doe fhew,that Cbrift is borne oftheVirgin Marie;as t i l ers be, and fubieEt to allinfirmitiesof min, Fnneonely excepted: Yphieare%heft words added; Conceivedbytheholie G/iofl? To Preti , that Ch;iffby theholyGhoft was conceiued in thewombeof Marit(Ihecon. tinning OA a pure Virgin) and that he was borne holy and without fine, whereunto all oilier men bynaturearc lubicót.. VPa ^ it needfa l that Chrif/ fbou/dbewithout fanne? Yea,torotherwilc theGodhead and Manhood could not bee ioyned togethet:andâ gaine, if he had been a Gutter, hecouldnot hauefatisficd for the hones of othermen. chrifiveey FVhiewaritrequifite that ChrifAmidheman? man. Becaufe the righceoulneffè of God requireth, that the fame nature whichhad finned, Mould altopay and make amends forfiunes. p74.43