Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

eflfhortforme ofC4techi png. 223 What comfort haueyou by thir, that Chriff isman? Hereby I amaflured; that Chrifiis fit to !Offer the punifinnent ofmy finne; and being man himfelfe is anmeete to bemore pitiful! andmerciful! vistomen. Whatfrasitehaueyouby hit holy conception? I am allured that his holy conception bath coueredthe corruption of mynature, andvfe ofbishoty thathis pureconception Ihall beimputed unto me, conception. Whatcomfort hasteyon by this,thal heisdoth Godandman? Bythis I ammot!certainly aflòred,thathe is able mollfully to finifhmy faluation,feeing that as he is man he is meet to (infer for finne ç as he is God, he is able tobeare the punifh- mene of finne,and to ouercomein fuffering:and therefore he is called Iefits. Whatdoch fatsfignifie ? It loth lignifie,a Samour. Why doeyou callhim refus ? I doe call bun lefus,(that is,a Sauiour,)becaufehefaueth me fromall my usnnes,andbe- caufc there is none othermeanes wherebyI may inpart or in wholebe dcliuercd from them. Whatcomforthaueyou by this ? My comfort is euen the fame which I havePaid, and therather, becanfeGodfrom hea- urn gaue him hisname,and the Churchon earth bathfubfcribed thereunto. Whatfign;fieth Chriff? It lignifieth Annointed. Why is hefocalled? Prophet Becaufe he was annointed tobea Prieft for all his people,and fo for me. King Haa gatheryou this? By . ceanouutngorProphets ,Priefls,and Kings,whichwere figuresofhim. Wu Cbri annosnted withmaterialloyle as theymere ? No : but he was annointed wids allgiftes ofthe holy Spirit withoutmeafure. Whydeeyou callhim Prophet? Becaufc he was,he is,and ever !hall be the onely teacher of theChurch. Whatwere then theProphetsandApofiles ? They werehisdifciples and feruants,and fpakc byhisfpirit. What comfort baneyouby this? Hereby I am :ure,that be will lead me intoall truth, revealed inhis word,needefull for l'fe ofChe?j?, Gods glory.and myfaluation. propbecie. Why canyon himPriefl'? Becaufeoffring vph insfelfea facrifice onceforall,hebathfatisfied forall my frnnes,and maketh cortinuall interceílion to thefather for me. Whatcomfort hawyouby the Prieflhiodefaril?? Hereby l ana ailùreitshathe is my medratour,and thatI altoam made aNeff. li? oflois Hon areyoumade aFriefb? prieftboad. By Min I hauefreedome'and boldnes todrame neare and offer my felfe and allthat I bane to God the Father. Whycall v614 himKing? Becaufe hedoth guideand gouernemeveto euerlafling life byhis word and fpirit. Whatcomfort haueyou by this ? HerebyI amAired; thatby his kingly power I thanfinally ouercotne thetlefh, the ?T ofC'hri(ts world,the diuell,death and hell. .. kingdom. Whycall vonhimLord ? Becaufc notwith golde nor hisser, butwith his preciousblood hebath purchafed vs to bea peculiarpeople tohimfelfe. What comforthaue you bythìs? Seeing hebath paidfisch á price for me,he willnotPuffer me toperifh. What