Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

2.24 e.Ifiortforme of Catechi ing. What is thefecond thing tuberei,, thefaith ofChrift canfifleth? Secondly,I beleeue that hebath wroughtcoy faluation indeed after thattnanner that is fet dowse in theCreed. Afterwhat mannerbath hewroughtyourfa/station? s. Byhismoitpainfullfùf erings for finne. z. By his muffglorious vifhorieand triumph over finne. Insehatwords are his moll painful!fuferingsezprefed? In theft words ;Suffixedcoder Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead,and buried, he de- funded into hell. VVhat is thegenerallmeaning oftheft words? Chrijts paffion By them Ithew my felfe to bclecue, that Chrift endured moltgrieuous tormentsboth raoftgrieuous ofbodie and foule. isbodyand What comfort haueyouby this? fettle. I ain freed from all thofe punsihments of bodyand foule which my finnes haue de- fcrued. Howthen commethit topat fe, that weare fo often affliEledwith grieuourtorments both in body andfoule ? Our fufferings arenot by defert any fatisfaftion for our frnnes in anypart, but being fanbtificd in themofI holy fufferingsofChrnf,theyare medicinesagainft finne. Why are theft wordsadded ;Suffered vnderPontiusPilate? Not only for the truth of theflorie, but alto to teach that heappeared willinglyandof Ins owne accordbefore a mortaliiudge,of whom lie was pronounced innocent,aud yet by the famehe was condemned, whatcomfort haeoeyoss hereof? That mySauiourthus fbfferingnot any whit forhis owne finees, butwholy for mine and for other mens linnesbefore an earthly iudge,I (hallbedifcharged before the heaven- ly iudgementfeate. What is meant bythis ; 7hat',emu crucified? Thathediednot onely a commondeath, butfuclt a death as was accurfedboth ofGod and than. VV./Jar comforthaue you by this? Iam comforted inchi's, becaufe I amdeliuered from the eurfewhich Iliaste deferued by the breach of the law, and fhall obtaine the bleffìng due vetohint for keeping ofthe fame. "What ismeantbythis ;That he died? . That hisMule was l:parated fromhisbody ,fo that hedied acorporalldeath. VVliy was it regtslfrtethat heShould die? Betaule by Bent tail;e death ;MO ehe world, fo that the iufticeof God couldnothaue beenfatisficd for our fnnes,vnlctic death hadbeen ioyned with his fufferings. Why is itfurtheradded,That he asburied? Toallùrevs moec fullythat he was truths dead. VVhatcssssfort hawyou by h s?eathandburial? Preofchrifs s. ain comforted, bccaulemy iiiints Mefully &charged in his death, and foburied, bona?. then they flail neuer comeinto remembrance. z. Secondly, my comfort is the more, becaufc by the verrueofhis death and burial( Ph;L;, finne thanbekilled inme, and bufied, fo thathenceforth it !hallhauc nopower to rcigne Rom.óaa. Quer(ne. 3. Thirdly, I need notto fearedeath, feeingthat finwhich is the flingofdeath istaken away by thedeath of Chrift, and that now death is made vetome an entrance into this lift. VVhat is the meaningofthis,Hedeft'endedintohell? This is themeaning; that mySauicur Chrift did notonly fufferinbody,hutalfo in route did abidemolt vnlpcakeable vexations,griefes, paiufulttroubles, and feareofminde,into the which both before,and molt ofall whenbe hanged upon the crolEe,he wascart. what