e iortforme ofCatechling: 225 Whatcomfortbaueyouby this? lam comforted in this, becaufein allmy grieuous temptations and affaults I may flay and make furemy kith lay this that ariabath deliveredere from theforrowfullgrrefes and pines ofhell. Vlrhatbeleeuefl than in this árticle,He ref' againfrom thedead? I beleueue that Chrift in his manhood bath suffered forme, and that hedid inthe third day rife againe byhisownepower fromthe dead. Whereindoth thisarticleminifier comfortveto thee.? cr. His refurredion Both alfore rite, thathisrighteoufnes (hailbe im- putedtome formy perféft inftification. z. It comforteth tse becaufe it doth fromday today raite me vp tó' In three things:{ righteoufnesandnewnes.oflifeinthisprefentworld. °fofhé e`td 3.It miniltreth veto meacomfortable hope that I (hall rife againein forefü, the tall dayfrom bodily death. Whatbeleeueft thou in this Article,Heafèended intobecame? Ibeleeue that Chrill in his humaine nature (cite Apostles looking on) afcended into beanrn. Whatcomfort haueyou thereby? r.' I am comforted in this, thatChrift bath prepared a place forme inheaven : which (ob. r.rç: now Ifee by faith,and hereafter(ball fully enioy. z. I am comfortedby his interceflion tothe fatherfor me, What fruithaueyou byhis intercefsion? t. F.rlt,it loth reconcilenteto the Fatherfor thofe finnes which I doedaily commit. vréoltbrifis z. Secondly, being reconciled inhits, Ieanprayto Godwith boidneffe, and callhim inteereion. Father. What isthemeaning ofthisArticle, Hefittethat therighthandofGodthe Father ? Ibeleeue that Chrill inmans nature was aduanced by theFatherveto thathigh author sitiewhereby he rnleth all things in heauen and earth. What comforthave vote thereby ? r. I am comforted becaufel ihall receivefrom him all things needfullfor mé vnder his graciousgouernement. z. By hispower allmine enemies (hallbefubduedand trodenvndermyfeete. Whatbeleeue you in this Article, From thence hefball tamest. Tbeleeue that thrift (hall come in his mateltre topronounce fentence vpon all thofe t,Tñefssé. that weredead before,and vpon thenathat then (ballbefound aliue. LL-Leis What comfort haveyouby this? I amcomforted in mygreateltmiferie, knowingthat Chrift will comeone day and ridme outofall. z. Iam fore that lie will giuefentenceon my fide,andtakeme togloriewithhim. Whyfayyou,bbeleette in God the holy Ghoft? Becausehe isGod*all with the father and the bonne. Why cal/you himholy ? Becaulehe isthe author of all holineflè. Whatfruit haueyoyt by this? r. Theholy(Molt cloth affure me,that Iamthe childeof Godbymakingmeto cal Min' Abbafather. 2. He all'arethme chat byvertue ofthe death and rclurre&cionof Chriff, that findieth in tne,and I am railed vp toholines oflife. 3 The holy Gholi leaded)me into all truth needfulltoGodsglorie andmyfaluation. Phis. ;so. 4 He couaaforteclime in all toy troubles, and in deathaflùreth meofa better lifein'thislt °tnr:a;. lamebody and foule. Frhat themeaning ofthisArticle,'beleen that thereisa CatholikeChinch? ThatGod batha certaine number ofhis cltofenchildren, which lie dothcall andgather to himfelfe. Why