Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

22G eiffiort forme of Catechifing. church. Ifphyyfaryou,'beleeue that there isa CotholIcChurch ? Becaufe that theChurch of God cannot be alwaies Peenwith theeyesofman. why rayonthe Church,Hely? Becaufe the Church on earththough in it felfeit is finfull,yet in Chriftthehead it isho- ly,and in the life to come fhallbe brought toperfebtion ofholines. Why dòe jou tallitCetholike? Becaufe God in all places and ofall forts of menhad from thebeginning,hathnow,and euer will Isaacan holy Church. What ie themeaning ofthiserticle,7hecommunion ofSaints ? Thewhole Church cotmnunicateth with Chrilt and everymember one with another in thebenefits ofChrift. Whatcomfort baueyou by thisarticle? n. I amcomforted,lbecaufe I am iutbified by that faith whereby Adam and ilbraham were iuflibed, vh ich is tyed to no time,or place,andexcludeth no perfon. z. I amcomforted, becauteI am nadepartaker of Chrift and all his merciesby faith, andofallthebleflings oftheChurch by loue. Whatdeleeueflthouin this article,!beleeue theforgireenew o fGnnes? I beleeue that Godfor Chrifts fake cloth freely forgiueme notonely allmy (iinne,, but aito thepunilhnent that I hanedeferuedby them. the holy Moll Why fayyau,Ibeleeue theforoiseenes offnnes? atonegueihzo Becaufenorearoncanperfìvademe,buctheholyGhoft onelymutt worketheaffurance thea//ramrce ofic in myheart. ofthepardon -what comfort haueyou hereby? offüiner. r. Fir(},Iamcomforted,becaufe allthe finnesIhaue anddaily commit, Mall neuerbe laid tomy charge. a. Secondly; ram coinforted,becaufe that theweakenesandwants ofall my dutieoare cóuered and luppliedinChrift. 3. Thirdly, Ian] comforted, becaufeGod will heare =prayingfor others, that they Eyfaithwe maybane faith to * feele theforgiucncs ofPnnes. come byde Whatbeleatteft thole in this erticle,Therefurrediionofthe bodyvntolfeeuerlafling ? gvees mfeele I beleeue that this body after it (hall bedniolued into duit, [hall be rattedvp againe at emu,ta eomfnall. ble thelaftday,acdnay fòulerhall hueineuerlaltingglorie experience cf Whatcomfortreapeyou thereby? thepardonof 1. Iammade comfortable andchearefull in well-doing, feeing my labour(hall not be Joints.. in vaine. a. lammade todefpife thepleafures and gloryof thisworld,and with patienceto fuffee all troubles that arelaide vponnie in thispretent life. 3. Itcomfortethme oiler thedeath of mydeareft friends, and maketh me carefull in death,knö that I Gran Isaac apart in the refurrehlson ofthe iuft. Whatfruit haue you when yost beleeuealttbefe Articles? Alldoe come to this end, that being iuftifiedby faith, lamrighteous in Chrift before God. Mat bethefeuerallfruits? shecomjnrta- 1. Firft, Ians atpeace withGod, although in my filfe formy outward finneswhich I ble rife ofail dailycommit,andmy inward corruption which remarneth,I am daily accufed. the articlesof z. Iget ftrength to fightagainit my outwardfnnes, to fubduemy inwardcorruption, the creed. to dooutward goodworkes,andto delightin thelawofGodin the inward lean. 3 . I häuearight to all Godscreatures, fo that thev(e andwantof them [hall tnrne to the furtherance ofmyfaluation. 4.. I amallured of theglorification ofmyfouleand body in the heauens, becaufe lam made anheire ofeuerdafting life. Why istbisgiuen rebuilt andonly vntofaith? faith rawly Not becaofefaith dudsdeterueit: but becaufe tise merits of Clsriff can be laid holdois hlfitf ih, and applyed tomy felfe by none other but byfa 'el alone. Can