ellJortformeofCatechi ing. 221 Cannot our goodworker incomepart iuflifievs before God? No : for the righteoufhes which is able to ftand in the iudgement of God, mutt beper- fedt in all refpeels. rarenot ourgoodwork e r perfea? No : for inmany thingswe thine all ; and againe, the belt workes we doe, aredefiled with finne,and therefore candeferuenothingat the bondsof God. why thendotb Gndpromifearewardveto them ? reward to The reward that God doth promife, it is not for the defert of workes, but of his owne ce4oe itpro. grace andmercie. coifedof sods Willnot this dotirine malemen careleffe ofweildoing ? free mercy and No :for theythat be ingrafted into Chriit,rnuft needes bring forth good workes. not for merit. why isit needfull that theyAmiddoegoodworker? r. Firih,thar WCmay by theist (hew our leiters thankfuli voto God for alibisbenefits. Worker. a. That we may be alluredofour falde andeietiuonby good workes. 3. That by our good workerwemay edifie others. Howmeriefl thou edifieothers? r. Firlt, byencouragingand itrengthningthofethat aregood. Secondly,bywinning tholethat arenot comevtuoGod. g. And thenby flopping themouches ofthe wicked. 4. The fourth arifethof theformer, and that is the glorie ofGod, which is aduanced by them. Aregood. workerfoneedfull,that without themwecannot befatted? Yea : foralthough good worker.doe not workeour faluatron in anypart, yet becaufe they that are iuttified are alto fanftified, they that doe no good workesdeclare that they .neither are iaftified norfanailed,and thereforecannot befàued. Thera they mufimuchmore be condemnedwhichcommit(inne and lye in it ? tau b Gáffrtli Yea: for fuck are not onely pronounced to beaccnr(edby the law,but alfo thegofpell condemne fin- bathdenounced tliat theyfhall not inheritethe kingdomeofheauen. ners which tie Can emery onedoe goodworkes? in frmre with- None can doegood workes,hut they that are borneagaine out reperuance. How can theythatare thusborneeroaine doegoodworkes ? They thatare thus borneagaine,andcarrie in diem the Image ofGod, hauerepentance Repentance wrought in them ; from'whence good workesdoe proceed. defined, What io repentance? 7t.ote. Repentance is a turning ofour(Clues toGod,wherehy we crucifie and kill the corrupti oncfour natare,and reformeour feluesin the inward man,aceording toGodswill. VVbat is itto cruciffethe corruption ofour nature? It istritely and with all toy heart to be forie that I have angred God with it and with my other finnes,and eucryday moreand moreto hate itand them, and to the from them. How is thisfarrowwrought ?. It is wroughtin me partly bythe threatningsof the iawe, and the feareofGods iudge- ment, but efpecially entreated bythe feelingthe fruit ofChrift his death, whereby Ihone powerto hate finireand to leaue ir. How is this reformationofour felueswrought in-vs? Onely bythepromttes ofthe gofpell, whereby wef'eele the fruite ofthe rilingagaine of Chrift. VVhat doe infue hereof? HerebyWeare railed vp into a newlife, having a lawwritten in our hearts, and fore- formeour (clues. Herebyit appeareth that nonecanrepentofthemfelues orwhen theywill. Yea: for it was fluid before, that it is the gift of God gineta unto them that are borne againe. By this it is alto evident thatGods childrenflande inneede of repentance, fo long as they liut. Yea: