228 eJJhort forme of Catechifing. Thefaitbfu! Yea for there is none ofGodsSaints but aiwaies carryingthis corruptionabout them h""' ,e"'cm"' c they fometime falland are£arre, from that perfe6tion ofgoodnes which the Lordrequi- aZthcyrlrfe. rcth. Seeing it was fetid before that goodrrorkesdidproceed from repentance, whatpropertiesare requiredofworker? T. Firft,that they be filch asGod bathcommanded in his law. a. Secondly, that they that doe thcsnbefuch as be ingrafted into Csriandcontinue5 him. whatfayyou thenofthegood workerofehemthat benotinChri? They doe no good workes, becaufethey neither are as yet members ofChrift, nor doe offer them to God in thename ofChrift. 3. The thirdpropertieofworkesis,thattheymaybetoglorifieGod,andtoaffureourfal- nation,. Is it not lawful(tofeeke ourownepraifeand merit byourarenegoodworker? No : for all our good workesare imperfect., and faluation is onlymeritedby thedeath ofChrift,as was laid before. we haste heard that the lawworked; theknowledgeofmar finne.r and feelingof our miferie: what meaner hath Godordained toworkeand ncreafe f tith invs? f r.TheGofpelli tobeget and breed it in vs. a.Prayer He hathordained 3,Sacrments 4.Difcipline i Afflibtion J to confirme it in vs. PYhat is the Gofpell? Cofpeüdeft- It is that part of Godsword whereby theholy Ghoftworkethinvsa Rudy faith toaps nod.. prebend the freeremiflon of finnes in lelus aria. Howmanykindetoffaith bethere ? Generallfaith,whereby I beleeueGodtobetrue in allhisworkes. Two,a Special!, and whereby I beleeue God robe iuftin his threatnings, and fo am thi is either inadepenitent: or, whereby I beleeue him to bemademerciful! in his promifes,andfo come torepentance. Whatdifference is therebstweenepenitenceandrepentance ? De'aiseoce and Penitence is a forrocv for Gnne wrought by the law: Repentance is arecoueriug our repentance felues from&nne wroughtby the gofpell. bon theydiffer. p therefuck dáftrence betweenthe Law andthe Gofell? Yea: for the lawdiffereth fromthe golpeil in foure things. Foure diffe- T. Firft,the lawreuealeth finne, rcbuketh vs for it, and leaueth vs in it but thegofpell rosee, be- Bothrtuealevetovs remit-lionof limns, bringethvs toChrift, and freethvsfrointhe eneeae the law ppnilhmentbelongingvntofinne. oatdhofpeü. Thelaw commandeth to dogood and giuethnoftrength: butthe gofpell inablethvs . to do. good,thelioly-ghoft writing thelaw inour hearts ,andalpuringvsof thepromife. 3. The law is the minifterieof wrath, condemnation and death ç butthe gofpellisthemi- nilterie ofgrace.iuflification,and life. 4. In many pointsthe lawmaybe conceiued by reafon ; but thegofpellinall points isfar above the reach ofmans reafon. whereindoe they agree? Rout.;.s. They agreeinthis, that they be both of God anddeclare one kindeof righteoufnelte, though they differ in offering it vnto vs? What thatonek:'nde ofrghteoufnes? It is theperfccf Moe ofGotland of our neighbour. - ':What thingdot hfollow vpon this? That the leasre law pronor nccth allthefaithfullrighteous. How doth the lawpronounce themfighteous? Bccaufethat they haue iii Chrilt allthatthe law doth aske.