eflfhortformeof Catechrfrng. Z29 But yet they remain tranfgreffoursof thelaw. They are tranfgrctfours in themfelues, and yet righteous in Chritt, and in their in- ward manthey loue righteoufnes andhate finne. What then is theflateofthefaithfulIin this life? They are CureinChritt,and yet fight againtifinne. What battaile hauethey ? within: ? thebattellofthe flefhagainli the fpirit. Theyhauebattaileboth and without: P the temptation of Satan' The combat of How fhalltheyoneriome? the world. bcfaibfvil. Bya liucly faith inIrlls Chritt, I.Iob.5.4. What callyou theflefh? The corruptionof our naturewherein we wereborne andconceiued. Flcfb defined, Doth that remain afterregeneration? Yea : it dwelleth in vs and cleaueth fall unto vs folong as we carry the outward flefh aboutes. Haw cloth theflefh fightagainfl thefpirit? By continual(lullingagamtt thetpuir. What is that? hinderingor, cor- vs in the good motions, words, and deeds of the I. By rupting 2 fpirit. Themotto's ad holler of thefiefh. (-motions. z. By continual! moouiug vs to euill words. What callyou thefpirit? deeds. Theholy fpirit whichGod inChrilt Rathgiuen vs, whereby weare begottenagiane. Do wenotravine thefpiritinfullmeafure andinperfelionat thefull? No:butfittiwereceiue the firft fruits, and afterward daily increath of the fante voto the ende, if the fault be not in our felues. How dosh the fpiritfight invs By lulling aguinitthe flea). Howdosh it lull againff the flefh ? it .Firft,partly by,rebuking &partly byreliraining invs theeuilmotiôs&deeds ofthe flefb. Thefpirit re. thoughts, bakesandes. 2.131continuall inlightning & afíe/lingvs with -words, agreeable toGods wil. !Zit eisni vli sdeeds, What call you theworld? The corrupt ¡late and condition of men, and thereti ofthe creatures. Haw doththeworldfight apingvs? By alluringand withdrawing vs to thecorruptions thereof. Whatmeanescloth it vfe? r.Pleafures r. Itallurethvsbyfalfe z.Profit ofthis world,from our obedienceto God. Tbelines of 3.Glory theworld. z. icallnrethvsother- paines, whilesby lobes, and eo diltruít Gods promo es. y reproches, Hmn(hell weouercome thepleafures, profit, andFloryof this world? s. By a true faith inIefus Chrilt, whodefpifed aft thefe things toworke our faluation, and to makevs ouercome them. z, By faith in Gods word,that feareth vsfrom doing any thing that is againit his will. pains, Howfhallweouercomethe loffes,and of the world? reproches X r. By