Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

z3o e fhort forme of Catechi rng. a. Bya livelyfaith in leas Chrift,who fuffered all thole things towork our faluation,and tolerable vs to fuffer them. _. Byaftedfaft faith inGods promifesandprouidence, thatwethai! want nogood thing, and that ail things teeming hurtfn[l,fhall beturnedtothefrcrtherance ofour faluation. What callyou Satan? The aduerfaneor enemie of God andhispeople. Sathan how he How doth hefight againllvs? fights. I. Byfubtilciealluringvstofinne, andthereforeheiscalledaTempter ,arSerpent. s. By lavingfearefullytoourcharge our finnes committed, andtherefore he is called, the Diuellanaccufr. 3.By Peeking by manifold inward terrors and outward troubles to fwallow vs vp, and therefore is called,a roaring Lion. Howl/sailwe fightagainffSatanandhis tentations? I.By faith inlefus Chrift, whoouercame all titstentations inhisowne perfon, that fo we might ouercomeinhim. 7o "lift the a. Byrefifting theinward motionsand outward occafions of finne. inward reati- How(hall we doethat? ons out- ward B bcleeuingchatwearebaptized intothedeathandrefurre £tionofChrift. moil- y am affront. HowJhallweouercome Satbanandhis accufations? s.By faith in IefusChrift,who bath iuftifiedvs from allthe finnes for the which he canas. curevs. a. Byall thofe comfortable promifes of forgiuerieffe offinnes which in Chrifts name are madevnto vs. Howfhall we ouercomehimin our terrorsand troubles? i.By faith in Iefus Cheat, who was heardin allhis troubles togiue vs alfurance that wee Thannot beovercome inthem. s.Byfaith inGodsprouidence, whereby weeknowthat he can do nomoreunto vsthen theLord clothdirebt,and as it were grue him incommiffion forourgood. PPe halts heard that the word is thefrfl and chiefemeaner soot anelo tobeget, butalfa to frergthenand increafe faith invs : what is thenext principall meaner? Praier is thenext principali meanesferuingfor the ltrengthening& encreafingoffaitr. PPhatis prayer? Trayerdef It is a lifting vpof the rnindeanda pouring out of the heart beforeGod. zed. Is thereany prefcripr rode ofprayer left vs in theScriptn'reo? Yea, euenthe prayer which our Sauiour Chritt taught his Difciples, called the Lordes prayer. Isit!turfed tovfeno otherforme ofwords? We may vfeanotherforme oftvords,but we muttpray for the famethings,and withlike affe&ion followingthe lamerules which are prefcribedin that prayer, How is thatprayer disided? Preface,or entrance to theprayer. Itis diuidecl into the Prayeritfelfe. Conclufion,or fhuttingvpoftheprayer. whichis the Preface? whichart in heauen. Whatdoth the Prefaceploys inmindeof? r. Fírít,ofhim to whomwepray. s. Secondly,of our owne eftate in prayer. Towhom doewepray ? `Facher. Onelyto God them/Sonne. e HolyGhoft. Why doeyouhere name the Father? Becaufe difcerning theperfons,wepray to the Father fecretly vnderltanding it, that we