Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

eZAort formeofOtechifang. 231 le doe it in the mediation of the Sonn e,by thetvorkingofthe holyGhoft. ÿ7by »raftwepray tothe Father in the mediationofChrfFf hisSonne ? BecauleGod beingdifpleafèd for thine, wecan haue no dealing withhim,but onelyby themcanes ofhis fonne;m whom he is well pleated. why is itrequired that wepray bythe working ofthe holly GhoFf ? Becaafe the holy Gioft aflorethvs that he is our father;and whereasweknow not what to pray,nor how to pray,theholyGhoft cloth teachvs both. . what mull webeperfradedof,andhowmui?webeaffeifedinprayer? ri.We mutt be truly Ca .By a perfwalon of ourlinfulimiferie andvn- hinnblid whieli_j worth:nestobehelped. is wrought in vs )a. By a perfwafon ofthe louingmcrcieof God twowaits : (_ in heauen thatInuit helpe vs. rout felues :< z.Wemuff haue a t r.By faith, beingpervaded that God iotethvs I certaine confi- I as his own childrenin our Lord letitsChilli. Partly I , dencewefhalbe a .Byfaith, beingperfwaded that our Fatherbe- heard:and this is I ingGod almightie,heis able todoe whatfoeuer (Omer- I , wrought in vs, , he will in heauenand in earth. Hang ((we mutt r Th at allGods peopleprayfor vs. others:}) he per- z. That at is our bounden dune to pray for othersas well as ftvaded for our felues. How are thepetitions diteided ? Lttotwo parts:for ,S t Memake requeft for tholethings that concerneGods maieftie. Za.Forthole things that concerne our owne welfare. Which be thole that concernGodsmaielfie a s.Halhswed be thy name. :The three ñrit :z.Thy kingdomecome. LFordarts oTtayoftie er, 3.Thy will bedone inearth as it is inheauen: What it meantby thenames ofGod? 1. The names and titles ofGod, as Iehoua,rheLordofholes,and fucklike: ri. Welilome 9 z. Power i 3. Mercie e.The. 4.Goodnctfe of God. g. Truth 6. Righteournet% I 7.Eternitie , whybe thefecalled the of God? Becanfeas namesferue tod;lterne thingsby,foGod isknown tobe God bythefe timings. What is meant by theword Hallowed ?j We prayithat asGod is glorious in hinfelfe, fohemay bedeclared and made knowne vnxo men,to beamoll glorious God. HoisyhdlP Godsnamebedeclaredtobeholy andglö?ious? TeFirlt,wepray that his wifdome, power,goodnefle,mercie,truth,righteoufneffe,and eter- iiity,may more and more be impartedandmanifeftedvnto vsand other ofGods people: a. Secondly,we pray,thataccording aswe-knowtltetè things,fo thefruits ofthem may ap- peare in (sues and all Gods peoples lives,that foGodsname may behonored and praifed. what doe wepray againftin thispetition ?. I.Firltwe-pray agamít all ignorance of holy_things we fhould knows andwant of good works,whereby'GodWants of hisglorie. i.We prayagainit allfalfereligion,wickedneffe,and vngodlinefle,whereby Gods nameis atthonoured. I cannot aiyetfindeanymoreof this Catechifine; Ifanymanhale the rc/I in hisprivate tuft, heAnddoe well tocommtenicate thefamevntotheChurchforthegoodofmany. X A