734 eiLetter again/i hardner ofheart. norprecious withoutacontrite heart and brokenfpirithe (hewed) thatfora time (coon after thePhophet hadreproued him) he wantedboth. This is your cafe, and therefore you are inthedate of faluation. ForDauidwas inthis cafe,even afterhelm(' confeiièdhis fin, andhad receiued abfolution and pardon fromGod,by theminifterieofNathan; although .ttroubled heneuer felt ioythereof, nor true griefe for theother.yet becaufe in trueth ofheart he eonfeience per- confeffed his finne ( asmytruffisyou doe)and was certainely perfivadedof the pardona- fmaded his fin zr pardonable, bienes of it by Gods mercy, (although hewasfarreoff from the feelingof it, or applying but yetnot it to Ins wofull confcience) his(late was good and verywell to be hoped of. And you feting it muff know tobe perfwaded , that thole things which arewritten of Gods Saints, and pardosed,yetit namely of DauidandPeter , and. fuck others, are examples for vs, if the will hay our '. Haibe ardoned feluesvpon theword of God in the minifferie of hisferuants, andwade vpon the Lords it, asmefee in good time, till he come neerer vntovs by hisfpirit : neerer I fay, for he is corne alreadie auid. ontoyou; or it *ay beheneuerwentfromyou: becaufe tobearieued andhumbled with blindneffeof mind and hardneffeof heart, tobelecue certainery the truth of Gods pro- . Miles ingenerall, andtoreuerence the feruants'ofGodwhich bring theglad tidingsof . faluation, and to longafter thecomforts, vfingthejneanes of the word andprayer, the Sacrament of the Supper,and the company of Gods children, contrarie tohope, ender hope, yea without anyprefent feeling : allthis isacertaineargument, that Gods fpirit fs with (itch, and therefore withyou. This eftate although it be very grieuous, yet. it isne.. sathm blocs uerdangerous; much leffeisiefearefull: vnlelfeany befowiiful), that theyperfcuer and théfaithfutl in continue in defperate refafing all good meanes : vnleffe they perfeucr I lay , for that tbeirtemftati- through thefpintuail aduerfarie , and his forcible power, whereby God fufferethhim on, ro be oea fometime for a feafon to winnow them aswheat, they are fo bewitched and intoxicated, ryo¡,yea that they arecarried by violent forceof temptation, to tvaxe wearie of, or to-refufé all fametimes to y y F ' ' refufethe meanes of comfort by fits : yea, almot tohaue no delire at all vino them , yeafume. meaner. tines to fpeake very emll of them : but allthis is but temptation, and thereforeGod will be merciful'vnto them,forChriffs fake. Thus lob curled the day of hisbirth, and tithedtobeltrangled. leremie Atoll repels; ted that tuerhepreached inthename of theLord : both fcarcel abftaine from' blafphe. Dauidmooed withthe fpiritof ambition (thoughdutifully admonifhed)wilfully went on in numbring the people . Peter alto vainglorioully prefuming of his owne Strength, being molt wifely and cffeblually preadmonifhed ofhis weakenes cuco by our Lord Iefus,yet wittinglyru(hingasa bode intothebattaile, men then very cow- ardly yeeideth, yeadoubly denicth, yea ftrengthenetbhis lione with a threefoldcord, and faltenethit with 'tanningsand curlings : and-get forall there he obtained mere* molt bountifully . For why? asSabanhad defired towinnow them , foour Lord lefts prayedfor them, thattheir faith, though it was vehemently atl'aulted,yet fhould nyt be ouercome ; althoughit was battered, yet thatit lhould not be deftroyed; and though it wasoppreflèd, yetthatitfhould not beextínguifhed. And herebeyoufullyperlwaded, The praier of thatalbeit Luke 24. 3 x.the words feemeto runne as blongingbut toPeter.; viz. ¡haw. criJtbeles- praiedfor theèthatthy faithfhould notfade ; yet heprayedfor the rei fof the Apoftles,yea, getb to esas forall thefaithful, For6rft he faith not ; Simon, Satan bath defired towinnow thee, but as of e you: Why then faith bee, ¡bauepraiedfor thee? Verily becaufehe fhould more grieuoully offendthan the red(although theiroffencewas very great) therefore his and our molt blelfed Sauiour applied to him thepromife, but did not appropriateit votohim one ly, and reftrayne it front the refs. Compare with this place, Iobn.17. so. and you fhali feethat the hcauenly veritie of oneth, t!iatheprayed not onely for theApoffles, tieb.13. but for all thofe thatJhouldbeleene throughtheir word :yeafurther, Our Lordlefua Chrifwas yeerday, is to day, andfball befor ewer. And as theforefathers were baptized into him, and did Bate his fief,, and did drinke his blood ; fo was his prayer effe&uall men to then vnder the law, much more to vs vndergrace. Andwhen you can finde te- Rom.t. ítinonie in your heart, that when you would doe well, mill is prefent with you, z.Cor.r, 29 and that you doe the mill youwoulde not ; then doe not you it, but finne in you, when it leader, you captiue : much more when Satanworkes withal!, buffeting yyous afore