236 ANOTHER CO F® TA.BLE LETTER BY MA- STER R.G. TO MASTER cm. Rother,beloued in our Lord Iefus Chrif4, feeing you haue had heretofore notonely knocvledge,butalfo experience ofGodsgra.. c ous and mercifull goodnefiè in Ielbs hriit ofyour ownevnbe- kefe and of Satans fubtknes ; Icould marueile why you thould giuefuch place,andnot keepeycurgroundno furer,if I were not much acquainted with inch occurrences. I know not therefore whether with wordsofrebuke,or of comfort,lfhould feeke to re- lieue you. B@caufeI cannot comeontoyou, my counfell and de: fire is,that you wouldcane op toLondon thenext Teanne at the fartheff;that fo l might aske ofGod to framemy fpeech toyour good. In the mcanefea= fon I befeech youto call onto minde that which you cannotbeignorant of; that in the Lèiit.çaç, Law facrificeswere offeredfor Gods people, not onely at their firlt entrance into coue. Nvw.:lç.i8. nantwith the Lord, but alfoafterwards many times :. and that not onely for fnnes coin- 3gooranceand matedbyignorance,but alto by error,thatis,forgetfulnes,frailenes, retchlefites,carelet error differ. nes,&c. Ifyouhale notrremeuiurhiseranllationbyyou ,youmolt takeheedeof theEn- glifo that bath ignorance : for they failedthat fo translated it. ., It is manifeft, that the fameof error is there oppofed againft the finnecommitted with an highband,that is;a blafphomiewith contempt ofGod, and making bis law of none effect, Gods chiidren but to be invaine.Which finne lam foreyou aremolt fameofffronl ; I would you wereas tnáyJal[aft" farm offfioin vnbeleefeand diltruft. That Gods childrenmay fall after their calling,into 1heircallnl diners foulefaults,may appeare by many proofes. Pirlt,in the Law, whenthe Lord kc fpea- into many foulefaults. th in hisMaieftie and P roclaimethhis glorie, yet in how many words commendeth hee kxod.zy.s.y. his mercte,and forhow many fèuerallforts of has?Dothnot Efaythe holyProphet call the peopleof hisdaies,thepeople ofGomorrab;andtheir Princes,thePrincesofSodome?bothnot Efay.lao.u. he accufethem as grieubus tranfgreflbursbothof the firft and fecondtable ? and yet cloth afterwards promife them,that though theirfnneswereascrimfan,theyfhall beaswhiteasfnow: Veda. though theyrcereredlikefcarlet ,tbeyihouldbeaswooll. Dothhee not charge them that they Eläy31.6. were funke deepe in rebellion, and yet exhorteth them to retorne onto the Lord? Yea, Eta) s;.to. cloth benot charge them not onely with rebellion, but alfo withvexing theholy Ipirit of Eaya God? And yet made what is wrltten,Pray as there you may learne of Efay,chap.63. verf7.15.16. Ices. iii. 20 What? dothnot theholyProphet leremiefhew, thatEphraim wasasanvntamedcalfe? , &c.yet fo foone as beemourned andwas alhamed of himfelfe, Both not the Lordflaw, that hisbowels ofinercie weretroubled for hiseftate? Doth not the Lordofrérmercie on- to theprophane and forgetfull tranfgrefforsof his hohe couenant? Is not thispartofthe ?a1.504.0r, couenantmade with allthe homes ofDa:adinChril? kills, that if theynot onely omit- tingmanygoodthings,but alfocommitting rebellions and iniquities, thatthough be may vitae them,yetit (hall bewith therod of hischildren andthat his mercie he will nottake PM.I no, fromthem,nor breake off his couenant made with them in Iefus Chrift? Therm ¿e re- mber