eA'notber very comfortableLetter. member tbátthe holypromifes,threatnings, precepts, and examples arewritten,that w not finite : buganv lf manfnase, wee haue anaduocate with the Father, lefurCbriJE the nluh.z.s. iuft,asodheis the reconcoliostiosoofour hones, andnotfor ourAmer finely, but for thehonesof the , wholeworld. Doth not the bleffed ApoftlePatel charge the Corinthians Cvhom hee afiìr_ t:Cor.i.6.9. meth to be rich inChrift,anddeftitute ofno fpirituall gift) to bemore carnal( than fpiri_ tuall,yeababes inChrift,yea to be fallen into Idolatrie,committing ofeuill things, forni- t.Corg.i;. catìon,tempting notonelyof God but OfChrift, yeamurmuring againft them : yet cloth r cor.io he notherein comfort rhem,thatno temptationhathtakenhold on them,but filch asap- pertained) to man,and that Godwill bemerciful' vnto ? Datsidprayethagainft prefump_ PfaLr9.i;. tuous'finnes,that they thouldnot reigne ouerhim : fignifying,though hee finnedpre- fuinptuoully,yet it hedid not perfeuerein prefiimptionobftmately, without delire to re- pent,that filch loneor firmes were pardonable. Now the Lords tournant towards his in Iefus Chrift,is not to deale after their fumes, nor to reward them after their iniquities, much lelfe will he not regard in wrathful( difpleafure their infirmities. For ifhee Ihould fo marke whatis laidor doneamiffe, who were thenable to abide it ? Bat with him is mer- tie in Iefus Chrift,that hemay befeared. Therefore lift vp your hands which hangdowne, Avenge-henyour weakeknees,and fay vnto your foule ;,Why art thou Io caP downe and vnquiet withinme? I will yet truft in IefusChrift, andwaitevpon the merciful( graces ' of God purchafed by his merites. Confider that true líumilitie arifeth offaith in Iefus Chrift,andchatis true faith thatingendreth humilitie; as weewas not di.ninifhour fins, True huinili- Iomaywenot toomuch aggrauatethem,nor diminifh Chrifts inerits : haue euermore in tieprowedeth yourmtnde theexample of the prodigallfonne,whofaithnot,I alas not thy fonne : but, l f'om faith. amnomore worthie to becalled thyfonne:he faithnot, Let me bee thy bondllaue; nay bee faithnot,Let me bethy hired feruant ; but, Let mebe asone ofthyhiredfcruants: hisfather came and methim,fell on his necke,&c. So thall it come toyou good brother. I neede make no moreapplication :the holyannoyntingwhichyou hauereceiued, will bring the oldmercies ofGodvponothers and vpon yourowne Ioule,vnto remembrance, and leade you into all truth,which fliall berequifite for your láluation. Put your truftin the Lord, andbeyou afl'ured,beleeuehis mtnilters and you (hall profper. TheLord Iefus came no tobreabethebruifdreede,nirtoquenchthe fmokingfaxe; his grace !hall be euermore lulficientforyou,and hisverme (hall vetothe end manifeft it felfe inyour weakneffe. NowthereforeI befeech him topreferue your bodie and foule,and fpirit,vntohis moft glorious ap- pearing. Faithful( is bee that hath called you,and promifed,whowill alto perfotme ic, Amen. From my houfe inLondoninWare,ick, lane,.elnno 159 r.Feb.aq.. 237 Yours in Iel"us Chrift, ashebath been, . RGR.É TiNHAM,