Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

foran of ftE1ed minde. zf But hefpeakcthitnottothis end, that we Ihauldnot in ehankfulneile acknowledge the Ioniser merciesofGod bellowed vpon vs,ornot vfethemveto ourcomfort,as teftimonies of hisloue andfavour towards vs : but that wemay not flay in ourprelènt profiting, but adde dailya new andfrelhincreafe; that as from a larger and greater heape of benefices, we maymoreand moreafireour felues, that weare belovedofGod, and Thad enioy the inheritance ofhiskingdome. When the Apofilefaith, VPorkeyourfaluation,rryc. and la- Pbihs.r34 boar to makeyawcallingand electionfore: thoughthemeaningbe not, that we Mould put confidence offaluacion inworkes,yetit tellethvs,thattheworksand fruicsofour faith are teftificacions ofGods fpirit dwelling inour hearts more euident and pregnant, than that . Satan himklfecan or dare denfe them. We may notMir ourfeluestobefoouerborueof the enernieveder thecolourof zeale and delire to doewell, as notto remember wherein the Lordhat h alreadiegiuen vs tomepartof wel-doing: notfoto ftríne vnto that we ha= not,as toforget that whichbyhis gracewealreadie haue: but ratherwith all thankfulnellè acknowledgingthe gooditesofGod,from thence afireourfelnes ofthe continuance and finningoftheworke begun. In the courfèsacheworld, asflowneffe getteth nothing, fo Hethat ketee. prep baffle loofethall. It is thefubtiltieand malice ofthe etfemie,whenhe cannot ucth,mál¿etb holdvs with himfelfe,to haften andpulls vs on fo fall and fbheadlong,as by rafltnelle we "ehafte. may fall into that,which byforwardnelTwe hadelcaped. Good things tocome therefore wemuffhohle them inhope,and purfue them in peace : but thegoodwe haute alreadieat- tained vnto,we mull fo farte reioyceandcomfort our felues in, as from thence ive maybe ableto fuftaine and fupport our caufeagainft theenemie,and from that wehaue,to lethim vnderftand that =doubtnot ofthat which remaineth : that the Lord will bothcontinue and confirme the worke ofhis ownehands,and notforfake the famevntill it heaccompli- flied inhis kingdomeof glorie. Thus I hauein great haftand confitfedlylet down fo much as prefentlycache vntomimic, ofthofe things whichoften heretofore I haue written veto you: humbly befeeching theFatherofall mercie andGod ofallconfolation,who bathan- nointed youwith the oyle ofhisgrace, fealed you with the fpirit of adoption, and giuen youa lurecamel and pledge of euerlaftingfaluation,toincreaf vponyou,and inyour heartthe meafureof fttdt,andmnitiplieyourfruits in all manner ofwell doing,make you ftrong againftchefaceofyourenemie,and crownyouwith vietorte inthe dayofbattaiie, chatyou maypraifehisname in the dayofyour deliuerance,glorifie him in the whole coorfeofyour life; and finallyenioy with the reft ofhis Sáints,thateternall kingdomeofglorie, prepared for all thofe-that loue and fearehim. Amen. FRIS. Y4