THE SECOND PART OF THE WORKES OF THE REVEREND AND FAITH- FVLL SERVANT OF IESVS CHRIST, M.RICHARD GR BENHAM, MINISTER and Preacherof thewordof God : THE SECOND EDITION, REVISED, CORRECTED AND PVBLISHED, FOR THE FVRTHER buildingofall fuch as loue the trueth, and defreto know thepower of óodlinefre. By HH. PROVERBS 16.23. The heartofthe wifeguideth his mouthwifely, and byhis lips ho addethinflruc7ion. PR O V E R B S I8.15. L./1 wifeheartgettethknowledge, andthecare ofthew f feeketh learning. It London, Imprinted by FELIX KYNGSTON,fOr ROB ERT D E xTe it, and are tobe folde at his chop inPaules Church- yard at the figne of thebrafen Serpent. r6o1.