2 5 TO THE RIGHT HONO- RABLE SIR IOHN POPHAM KNIGHT, LORD CHIEFE IVSTICE OF ENGLAND, ONE OF HER MAIESTIES mobhonourablePrinie Councell,graceand peacein IefuaChrilí. Offer heere (Right Honourable) unto your Honours proteciontheworks ofa graue, godly, andexperienced diuine : A man whole laboursformanyyeereshaue o been fobleffed, that his name being pre- cious it giues himafter death (as it were) afecund life on earth. The Church andCommon-wealth arebleffedof Famam even; God, as theProphetteftifieth,whentheprudent and the ti=tealÿLaa Efay;.f,6. aged rule the one,and teachtheother: Forthe ancientcan z m3e3 e heft teach 1vifdome when theinpation oftheAlmightybath Q f.' giuen them under /landing. The firft part of thefeworks l'ea's (right Honourable) being acceptedofmany, bothlear- ned and truelyreligious: I was the rather incouraged to feekeout the reft carried about in written copies from hand to hand,anddifperfedinto diuerspartsof this land. Andwhat I hauefound, I haue let in theheft formeand frameI could, for the edificationand comfort ofGods people.Theprincipali fcope ofthisbooke isto teach men to know the power and grace oftruegodlinessand how far a verball and nakedprofefsion ofthegofpell,isfrom the I II I Ima