251 TheEpi.flleDedicaterie. the fauingknowledge of the truth. Pietie and Iuflice(as your Honour knoweth) are twoSifters, Daughtersof one Father, they proceede both from one Spirit. The Lord bath fingledyour Honour, and let you onhisfeat for the defenceof Iuílice : Your wifedome, your faith. fumes, and care for equity and truth daily commends your great loueof Iuflice. Heere therefore Pietie ewer afflicted with many grieuances, reuiled, reiected, and difpitefully intreated in-the worldbecomes an humble petitioner of your Lordfhips patronage : hopingto find no leffe acceptance and loue at your Honours hands then her filler hath euer found. The Almightie God which honored) them, which truely honour him, in- createyour loue to Pietieand Iuffice,andfomultiplyhis gracesvpon you and yours, that feruing him in euery good word and worke : you maybe fo filled with itiy and peaceby beleeuing, that yemay abound in hope of that honourand glory which is purchafedby theblood of Chriil, and referued in the highefl heauens for all thofethat defire,loueand Iooke for thathismolt glorious appearance. Amen. Gal./. zz,z;. z;. Your Honours tocommand HENRY HOLLAND.