25'3 TO THE CHRISTIAN READER, GRACE AND PEACE IN IESVS CHRIST. Odlinejf hath euer:Astridfewfriends onearth :and in thisfmaff number,there are_lime truefine f f.Thetrueheartedandthe godly,from allparts hatee much reioycedat thefirft andficond :mprfion of thefetvorkes, andhauegiuenmegreat confito lockt out therefl,fortheirfurther edification andconflation. Coun- terfeit friends, I count all carnallGof ellers; or peruerf Prate- td flants,walkingafter theirowne lugs ,whofemouthes f eakeproud things,voideof the f frit (asS.Iudefpeaketh) and therefore can nottalk f irituall things,norefleerne of fpirituallriches.Suchmenlittle refeElthefe holie workes,andina littletheir iudgement. But thefethingsbeingalfoftwaforts;fome igno- rantandfpeakingeuillofthatthey knownot(asS.Peterfeaketh)themipitieandmossrue for : otherspoyfnedwithmalice bySathan, andhardnedwith vnbeliefe,through thede- ceitfulnesofinne,arebecome bitter enemiestofancîiftcationandgrace.The iudgement of fach isfo eclipfed, that they areneere handbecornevoideofallfudgement,and(withoutre- pentance)cannot *ape theiudgementofthegreat day: Our aduerfaries thisyeere ofIabilehaue let loofe- their hearts ingreater lihertie tofill their*monthes ivithi calumniations,notvnitke the raggingfeafomingout theirewnfName. "see apopish .Se notdeceiued (goodChriflian) byany popifli pamphlet : Thefeare but baites tofeduce pro dihs andffeale away thehearts ofthe infiableandweake,from theprofit.;ion ofthe Gofpell,from yeere, Goo, theirfaithin Chr f, from theirtrue alleageance to Prince, acid lame andfütbfulnes inurkCnr totheirmulenaticecountre y . c4nd this know (g odReader ) thatthe o pi ll reli g ionloth rrmus nù&c. e moreagreewith thenaturallman, than the trueproffsianoftheGofell, cr'tertare eafly To, whichthis leadto the Papacie,but hardly drawne to the lone ofthe Gofell:forthe lain which beareth.may be amore anlwcKe:7nter ftvay inour membersfighteth euerragainff theholylanesof God. Tobe f ort iftheft men fon:am po- go euer anygroundofvs,it isfar our long contemptof the balie Gofellofchr f, andfor in m&knit qnt ourproud fècuritieirìthircalme ofour blffêdpeace:foriufilymay the Lardgiuevsouer tradaur, 'La to beleeue lyes,becau e weehauenot fo louedhis trueth, z.Theerfzaz.wor as yetlearned inter,''i, nifi to maketrueprofeflion ofit. Brans touching the true faithin Chrifl, thefir t re ntance 7`rod btcn n 1'/° - labornt villa from deadworkes,thecontinuaflrnortifcatiònofthe Saints,the cureofihecrazie, andthe optnniaaicus preferuationofthefound confceence,chemanifoldaffaultsofSathan ,the, biteaftheworld, & s. ea0c. andofthemeaner ofaluation Iafirethee(good reader) nopo fnwriter hath euer done ,cos ; 411ñá t that which by Gods good blefsiag, both thisman, andotherholyferuants ofChrillhaue eeh aico, con- done andpublifbedin our came land. They neederoot mycommendation : theyfhall liue,! date "d' fad minas euer- trufl, whenpopifh Orient-ionsfballrot andeonfume away. undi,rend, Tocomets mypurpofe: as thouhaft alreadie teed (goodreader) ofthy loueand li- king ofc_ . Greenhornsworkes, to continue thygoodaffeRion.Be notdeceiued in iudg- ing ofholiethings by thefirff tafle,for theyfhalldelight andreioyce thine heartfarmore Nonprodk/E ti- thelecoed time,chanthefrfl , awdinoreyet the third timethan thefecund.Iremembera ac;ennoc topa! good agedKnight, a true heartedprofer ofthe Gofell, r6. or r7.yeeres pall (which tam irmpeus coowrefleth in theLord)acyuaintingmewith hisgodlymeditations f ake ofhisreadingofme'O: tnnn;S goodbooker on this manner: I reade a booke thefrrfl time (landbe) tofieandlike, thefe- sirEdward coedMaunjd,