154 To theChriftian Reader. randtimeto noteandobferueboth methode andmatter,thethird time to Carrie awayand to make of . vtndthis godly manspraí7ifeI recommend to all fuch millprofit inholie things. Reade the bookeofGodprtnctpally;next vfe the f goodhelper thatGodhash,fens thee,carefullyandthankfully. 'Thisfecondpart ofMailerGreenehams worker, lfound (at the refl) di(perfed into manyhands,and intomanyparts ofthisLand. I colle/ledall the copies 1could heareof, Thus were M. and come by ; Ihauefit theft Meditationsin thisforme ofcommonplaces, reducingall to Pcr.Marryrs eciallcha tersandarguments,whereunto theymightfeeme to hauemoll relation, what CommonOa-JP p s coltefted labourthis is,theyknow b f thatareexperienced therein. Andhere (gentlereader)I mull outofhis Có- crane ardonformyfelfe:fir(1,ifany fetpion haue nothis dueplace ;ifanybraùnch benot worse ,b and rightl et underhisproper title ,ifanythingfeeme darke ordoubtfidl;iftherebeanytau- great }'f p yy F.to the grear talogieor repetition ofthefame wordsor matter : andmhatföeuere f bathhapnedthrough VII :he my negligenceanddefault acquainemefriendlyherewith ,thatImaycorre/Imineerrorin Church. the next imprefsion. eilnd for theauthor oftheft holiewarkes,forthat form things may fewe make and iudig f ed,notbefeeminghisgrauitie and learning : knowthis thatfame part ofthefecolleEl ionswere takenfromhismouthwhenhepreached thereflwritten (once itmaybe)with hisownehand,but nopart reuifedorcorrecîedby himfelfewithintent and purpofe to bepublifhed.WhereforeI pray thee,letnofault beimputed vntohim,but afcribe all to theirweakeneowhichftrflcolleeledmuchfrom hisfermone ,and to myloue and ar Ilion. For was ofone minde withfomeloningfriends that hauevery inflantly dtfredme to omit nothing that mightfeeme toproceedefrom hibflare, yet haue Ipafi ouer many thingswhich I thoughtlefJ'epertinent,ornot fofutable to ther f ofhiworks. Andwhereas thou haft inthispart oftencitation ofGreeke andLatineauthors,olel and Lite writers:ftrfl thinke itsootfìrange tofindethat inhis writing thoucoúld f neuerheare ',vas eikeeta- inhis preaching. He knewhow toguide hispenne inprimate meditations, andhis tongue rearrem,isa inpopular ermons, whereinheeuerfaught topreachChri/l,dndhothis ownegifs,and to goodhingr in p p f preichtnge .ddalefaithfully with Godandhispeople. (.4nd leafl theLatinand theGreekelhouldflop we preach not orflay theEnglifh reader,Ihaut fet as muchaswecouldconueniently ,outofhisway inthe our felues but margin. Chillefus theLord. vow hauing thusfarre labouredin theftworkes,andhauing brought themnest hand a.Coq},f. to theperfection I defired, Ifhall requefl again allfuchas haueany part ofthemAll in theirprimate v[e tocommunicate theffamevnto vs, that they make nota propertieofthat which ought to becommon,for theLord isfaithfull and lottes nofuch vnfaithful- nes. Godbathmadevsforhimfelfe,andfor thegoodone ofanother: andfo long wee line onearth,abGodhath appoyntedour brethrentoreape any blfing by vs. eilndfo I take my leaue, recommending thee goodChriflian Readerandthisworke to the blfingand proteélion of the Almightte. Anno reSoo. 24.ofNmember. Thine in the Lord Iefus. HENRY HOLLAND!,