Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

GODLY INSTRVCTIONS FOR THE DVE EXAMINA- TION AND. DIRECTION OF AL MEN, TO THE ATTAINING and retaining offaith and a good confcience. AP. T. OfChri,5ianPAdanonition. Orldly wife men call Admonition medling, and that they that looke not to other mens matters are thought to be peaceable, and learned fober wifemen,and they that pra&ife admonition are thought to be vnfociabler Cainehimfelfe wasof this fudge menthe was one that looked not afterhis brothers life, but lò- berly (as bee thought) refpe&ed his ovine; by this one example ° weemay fee what feint theyhaue,whofay,/ homenothing to doe soirh him.We,hauing learnednotthe pra&ifeoftheworld, but the praelife of the word, lookefor another iudgement,and breaking through all fuch fhadowes,we dareandmuttbe bulle with our brother, Leutt.19.1 y.And ifneede be, wewill fharply deale with him,asplucking himout ofthe fire,Iud.verf z 3.We maynot vnderthe colour ofpeaceablenes,muzzle ourmouthes: if I haue an eye inthe Church, Imuff poynt at finne ; if I be an handin the Church, I muff plucke itout : for curry finnenot admonifhed,when,and where wemay, isenrolled amongour finnes, be_ caufehowmany finites wehaue willinglyfeene or heard, andnot rebukednorlamented, we baue committed them. Theyobie&, our corrupt nature is difpofed towinkeat theof. fences of our brethren. Ianfwere, howfoeuer corruption may be intermingled, yet the lirfhmotion of rebuking finne is ofGod. A goodFather faid,Iwas neueracquaintedwell with any,but firft I dtfpleafedhim by admouifhing himof fotne fine. And likeas the children of Ifraell weregoing but eleven dayes iourney inthirtie yerres : fowe mightgoc by admonition as f rre in eleven dayes,as fame without it candoe inmany yeeres,And as in a lethargic wee hastencedeofapurgation :fo when thegrace of God freefeth in vs,waa haue needeofadmonition. z M he that admonifheth another offinne, and is notgrieued, profiteth another but nothimlelfe:fo he that limesgrieued,not admoniihinghis brother when time-ferues,is not trulygricned. 3 In admonifhing it is good toobferue therule of our Sauiour Chrift, Match, l8. be- foreweproceede eitherto Minifteror Magistrate : that fo doingallthings with loue,leni. -.tieand prayer,we maynot doubt but the Lord willbleffe his appoyntedmeanes,and fo in faith and meekenesoffer our felues to him : ifitbe fothat we feeno fruit,yetwe (hallpof- felleour foules in peace,witb theconfsieuce of purPimple obedience. Z m 4 A ZiS