2.56 eldmónirion, 4 Agodly mandoubtingwhether (beingmoued in heart to admenifh an vnruliepar tiebywritingand iearingtliat it would not bepm&able)he fliould continue in bispur- pole or no ; he was anfwered : itwas a greatfinne then not doe it, and alfo a great iudge- nrentbfGod cameon that finne often whichwas,that we fhould forget thegood motion: orhauing thegoodmotion,wefhouldwantoportunitieto doeit : wherefore let vsdothe thing,and leauethefucceffe to God,after weehaue prayed for it. Andif it focome topaffe (as often it doth)that thoughtheactionbe good,ourhearts upright in the doing ofit,our affeelion louing,confidering the thing right andgood,yet our labours and ourprayers be vnfruitfull : let vs rememberthat in all diele were fecrecimperfedìions and finnes,forthe which theLord might hinder the fucceffe, whichby deferring bee dots fcoure away, that afterwards in fuller meafure ofhis inercie,whenweflsall be the betterprepared by humi- licie tobe thankfull,liepower out amore rich ineafúreof granting ourrequellsupon vs. 5 Thechildrenof Godbecome better, and profit morewhen theyare rebuked ;and a r rebuke is not without offset in any, but in the wicked. They that harden their heartsand necks when theyare admonithed,and think that fhárpe handling dotsmake them worfe, had needeto takegreat heede-to thetnfelnes: for if the Lord cannot preuaile by great ad- monitions,nor fharpe rebuking,he will certainly punifh: for thoughhe didbeare with the often murmurings and manyfinnes of the lfraelites , yet at'thelaft he(warein hiswrath they fhould not enter intohisreff. 6 letbro dots not rafldy reprehendMofes, Exod.i 8.14.but lice firffcommeth to the knowledge ofthe caufe: and when he few cleerly thatthere wasan ouerfight inhis forme, then dots headmonifh him,andglue him fuels cotinfelas is agreeable to the word ofGod. The want ofthis wifedomedots often make our admonitions vnprofitable, becaufe wee take notaduifèmenthow the cafeftandeth,thenfor that weedoenotlabour to hauea lure ground for our counfellout oftheword ofGod.Ifthen we willthat our admonitions take place,let vsbefeduly confider ofthe thing it felfe,and by theWord trieittobea fault; then let vs alto labour to haue awayout ofthe word, whereby thematter maybe better hand- led. If this were an ouerlight in Mofesthat he hadneede of an admonition, whocan ex- empt himfelfe from it ? Noneatall,but entry manmuff becontent to beadmonifhed, yea though it beofhis inferiours : for fo Mofes,farre excellinghis father in graces;yet is profi- tably adiitonifhedby him, and willingly receiueth it. So wasNaaman theSyrian admo- 1.Sam- 4.3r. nifhedby hisièruant,and Abigail by herferuants, and the didan admonifh Daaid the 3i. Xing.AndProphet ofGod. Weemutt then admonifh,and be admonifhed, euen by them that haue rcceiued lefrer graces thanwee, andwithall modeltie and loue, and thankígi- sting asMofes andDarsid. Thenatureofthe Wicked Toone appeareth in an admonition,who willat no handbe admonifhed bythe godly, à lbeic the caufe beneuer fo ruff. Thewicked Ifiaeiite couldbe content to fuffer the wicked /Egyptians to whip him, butnot godly Mofestoadinonifit him. Theworld will befubieet tothe world,butnotto God. 8 We mutt learne to admonifh,fpeedily after the offence is committed, becaufe our nature ingood duties; and in them-efpeciallywhich lianeoffencewith them, is readie to putoff, wemuff nottarricvntillwemeete theoffender 5 but goe tohim,whiteft thebrunt is sopoli vs : for ournatiiCe is gioco to coule too faft,ifwcplie it notwisslrs it-islint. So our modoand-mado neuer bane a medum,when we pail it off fromtime to time, and oar anger âgainft'faneisquickl fhhaken: while-we arehotthen,and ourbrother isfscke,theequi- tse ofthe thing requireth,thatwee fltould got tohim,thongh otherwife hefhould come to vs.Tlie reafon is,becaufe after finneinonce committed,there is a darkneffe,a dimneffe,or a mid brought onour foules,whereby.hawfoeuer in judgement wee receive foaiewhat of other mens tins, (as,Dauid did of hisoffence,that tooke thepoore mans fbeepe)yetwe can not fee our owne. Befides, there is cacti a deformed blen:ith on theglalfe (hewing vs our finne,and the lined foprouiding,thatfinne neuer dieth, we abhorre thofe meaneswhich Mould' recover vs ; we on.ourparts receiueour (landing to this end,toadmonifh. Where- fore,Peter not being ableto requite Chrift for praying for him,that Satanmight notouer- comehim, is commanded by theconfirmationofhis faith, to remember toconfirme the 'NF.1 faith