z5a efdmonition,and rnlef thereof.` .r: g . The - better to examine fnnes,let vsnot weigh them by themfeiues : for a fnne fee Mingby, itfelfe tobe but agraine waigbt,yet byreafon offorce circunaftances, may eoun- terpoifeaheauie beame.Forexample,confrderthe fine ofludas,you fhall fee it by all the .fixecirçumftances: Firft,of hisperion,in that hewas aDifcipleput tn et-Mt with the ten- Oran things thatbelonged toChrist. 2.Ofehe obieek, for that bee had coufeffed Christ before, 3. Ofthe time, when he reeeiued the Sacrament. 4.0f the place whereChrist went out to pray and toteach hisDifciples. q. Ofthe manner whichwas inhypocrife to fay,Haylemafter. 6:Ofthecaufe; for fuch almall value.So in like mannerthe t nnesare greater in publike perfons, than in private, and that firs for the offence, whichChritk Note. eouutethabeatne. There wasas touchfacrifice offered for the fineoftheFria}, as of all LeultX6 .X S the peoplebefides : for Purelyas the meafures ofthe Sanbkuarie were double, fo their fins were double. And asthis is làid of theperfon,fonowofthe place. Publikefrnnesaregrea- ter thanprivate,in thatthey have impudencieioynedwith them,in that they be commit- tedwith an high hand. Inrefpe hoftretime,afinneoflongcontinuanceisgreaterthana fanne that beganbut yefterday. q. There are frxe notes to know abeameby.Thefirft is taken nut ofthatplacewhers Chrift laith,itisimpofribleforacamel! togoethrosgbaneedles. eye;and this is to eZepreflè the abfurditieofchore which fay,asdbfalomPaid, euery mans caufewasgood t there forceont :Amanmay finnewithoutthame .Thefecondisfeedowne,Rom.7 ,wheretheA.pòftlefpeakesofatiin, Pon abeame that by the light ofehelaw helaw co begreaeandfearefull, which before bec counted as a. in the darke, fhadow,ora moteonely. Thethird noteis,Reuel.i7.afinneof manyheads,abletobedi- kit me cannot ided'tobe uartered snuff be a beanie: but a mote cannot, being almotk as littleas the On 4? inthesrmne Geometrical panlïrem. Itisacompound finne. ThefourthDasid fpeakes of, Plàl.r1842. light. making relationcf certaine ¡tones which the builder. refafed,fuch as wee vfe to feeueat Multiplex turnes,tobuild thekingdotne ofignorance:This muttbe a beame,andnot amote.Amote peceatum May beblone out, buta beanie can fcarfe behaled out withhorfes. The fixers drawne sarntlecti u ot of Chritt H ocrite, lacke the beanie out ofthineozrne eye, then thou[halt remouemr Ee- fee: fothae isabeamewhichmakes vsblind. Titis is chat whichSalamonfaalì,Allthervor- ftucaeft,fi du- kersofiniquitiegoe allray,knowledge fin i decaieth.Thefe finiteswe haue,and feelethem rauerittrabs not ; and tinegreaterthey"betheleffègriefe, Theremalladiesof the foule areeontrasteto eg' thofeof the bodie ; for there thegreaterthey be,themorewe fedethem,the other thele& simile. Accufae, ag- Thofewerebut (Mall incompanfoMandmyftieall fines ,which Pas! was fogrieued with, grauat,quxrtr Rom.7.yethedifpleafèd himfelfein them,and fought the remedre ; and when he found it, remcdium. heefteemeditmuch. The vfeofallthisis,thatwe know,whenweehate tontesin our e.yes, Sàthatt:. and tlratwee Cake heede they grownor tobebeames:.for there isonewill take orderthey ¡hallnot fall out. Andto thisend,wemuff labour tohaue a good itidgement,at the flrft to effectueall Pnnes asbearnes in our feints. 5 To recouerbrethren from their faults,belongechto private and publike, toMinicaer gadMagiftrate.Dauid,Pfal. r o r .f aith,it washis morningsworke, to tali out the workers ofwickednef e : what cafearc they in then,whofe morning and euenmg work it is tokeep ,them in.This is nowthe fishfin oftheMagtftrate,to legue beanies asmotes vnpunifhed as leroboamwould lettheta commit idolatrre,fh he mighthaue hiskingdome. Secondiy,it is their fault copunifhmotes,and to let beaniespaffe; as Saulput thefiche Prieds todeath for l)areidsanti ;but4d,rerfor whoredome wasnot punifhed,becaufe he wasa beamed Ins kingdome.Thirdly,they offend in punifhingbeames asmotes, andmotes asbeanies ; is llauid in diuiding the inheritance betweeneMephiboihethand Ziba. For theMintier, T'it s hemuft reproue inthe light before all men : and ifthey be flow-bellies he muff rcpprone aEr e d t, them fharply. Privatemen muff alloadmonifh. There is not only a healingof eyes in the Rcaat ire Chirurgians fhops,buteuery man muff haue a careofhis brothers eye. Ifwee looke fora ptætïse:B. commandement, Leine. i9. t 7. Thou pall reprome himplain,. is as vehement a 1peechas Coarpicndo God couldvie: Now they fay,ifa man reprehend, bee is an hypocrite : but affuredly,hee eorùprçs... thatperfornrethnot thisdutiewhen,andwhere hemay ; let hito know his filenceis.afer- uile hypocrifre. 6 The holyMen ofelder ages bane.been in the dutie of reprehenfion andadmonrintinoil