Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

'efldmonition,indthe rules thereof. ínof} careful!. Efai forthis carafe was counteda man,inhis time,fu contentious,asthat noj' Exo,,ider thingin the landcouldpinkhim, Ieremie faith, Ile was bornea man ofcontention: Eze=N° nfügd;is chief wascalled a finde-fault:Chris} hin ièlfe both commanded,Matti. l 8. and praéìded dutfe* this dutie,he is often curing theeyesof thePharifecs,Sadduces,highPrieuFs, Math.: 3. He- rodé,Luk.4. his ownecouncrimen : hisownedifciples,mol} íharpely; callingPeterSathan, and Paying to /awe` and lohn,yeknow notwhatyeeaske,and hisown mother he reproues roundly,loh.z.Theholy Ghol} is a reproueralfo,Ioh. s 6. andthis hepraelifethcuteit his ñrl}cotmning,A&.z.i 2.rehaueflaine the Lordoflife, Paulreprooued Peter,& Peter lames. All their Epililescommand this dutie. s .Thef.4.1S.Ephef s. r r. They whichwill not per- \ate, forme thisdutie,to reprehendthe wicked, falloftento reuile goodmen. When there was but oneMicaiah toperforme this duty,therewere 400.Prophets which flood bytopreach peace tothe people. As often we read in the bookeof Kinges, There came oneofthe Pro- Venirquidam .. pliers: there camenotmany toperforrnethis dutie, andfoitisto this day,and this maketh èPropberis: thisdutieas bitter aswormewood,forthat itisfo little put inpraé}ife. 1,5 5Fa- Thatwema fullerrebuke thefe three things muff wedoe. Fir!} as Pfaline r t tierfauid, 7 y $ , 4 "tfcuquideft wemuff el}eemeitas abalme, and makeprofèlliron that wedoe fo. Secondly, men muff epos yens feare themielues more : now euery man prefuppofeth himfèlfe innocent, when as we fi enus. shouldbefeareful to haveoffended,when wehaue not offended,i.Sam.z z. lam thyFathers xow mo matt death, faithDauid,whenhe wasnot indeede.]obwasafraideofhischildren,when-he knew "Fa1r notthey had finned. ThirdlY,t hou htheaccufationbefalfe f wemuff perfortnethankeful- nes,Ioll. ot' hn `ri' refsz- ifh: z a t o,s 1,1z,í3',14,15,16. Butcontrarie wales, ifoneefpie amote in oareyes, oiìendoilli we ftraight way lookeinto Isis, and thenours is whole. forum,eva. 8 Ifyet we deftre morereafonstoperfwade vs tothe praé}ifeof thismoll Chriftian dur ?Pergirme tie :let vs remember weare to admonish, becaufe they are our brethren. Iftwo ltrangers calamo&I` walke together, anda mote fall intooneof their eyes,the otherwill blowe it out, or wipe studi,parieri. it out : this nature teachethvs. Paulgoetha note higher: Iftherebe a thorne intheFoote, Exhire gen- thehead lloopeth; but if any thingbe in the tender eye, it laboureth toeafewt much more. slum. Butwereproue commonly when we fall out with our brethren t and therefore in veritie Exiuremem- webeenemies andnotbrethren : for this is a goodargument with vs, he is thineenemie, b`o`om. thereforereprouelsisnAnd tires is an/Egyptians tricke,to mica aiut}reproofe,andtofay whomade theearuler ? who made you a Preacher ?Augusriirte faith, ifthou dolt not helpe Prohiber cot. on hiseye,God willplaguethineeyeandhis too.And againe,thoughthou faiet not euge,yet rea'mEracer. becaufa thou fait} not apage: there is (faith liedamutual! approbation, as well as amute',,, corrc io. commendation. Mutua appro. g Three things ought tomoue vs tothis dutie. Firfl, leaflmen thinke it an indifferent basco. tlsengeooffend, and fowe nourcíh heinen his finne, and thereby his eye will gather moreeMuualaus. filth and leales, and en timegoedeaneout, Secondly ,ifthoupitienot himthat offended; Namnonpu- et itie him that flandethb leaf} hebeoffended or any way indangeredb thy silence tatfe pecrnre Y p Y> r Y Y n, Y Y , yui3nèmine or layettefinne pai},or both:as we feein Barnabas byPeter,Gal.z.r 3 .Thirdly pitie thy idle, corripieur, and defiuerthy felfe from the guilt of thisfinne:for ¡thoubeprefent,and beef! not grieued for theoffesice,it is in account laide vponthy fcore.NeCherlet that hindervs that we ih all Eft peccatnm notpreuaile : for Nichodemus allo performed this dudewhenhe had nohope to be heard, mum 9uic- loh.7.5o. Again,by rebukingthouMalt definerthy felfe from contempt,forby thy dente quidroo d f- the. wickedwill gene thee the fame rewardethey giue vntoGod, Psalm, 50.21. They willpisce` rrb'' conclude, that thou art in the fameleague of impietiewith them. Finallÿ', fodoing thou Malt free thy fclfe from thepunifhsncnt of finne. Ely for notreprouinghis Ionises, peri- shedwith them in the fame calamitie: butLot escaped in thedeftruaion ofSodome,Saint Peter rendreth thisreafon,becaufe hewsvexedwith the vncleanlycontrerfationof thewicked, . continually preaching righteolaneffe and reclaymingthem from theirfinnes. ro This.dutieofreprehenfionisonely to bedone toabrother,ofwhome there betwo Whooughtte . forts: the natural', and the beleeuingbrother; forthe faithful! haue one fpiritualiFather, be reps-then- and one Holtemother, caen thebeauenlyIerufalem, the mother of vs all. As there be ded beanies fogreat that we cannot mouethemat a11,fo therein forne menwhom wentuit not touch with any reproofe.We muff notreprehendthemwhom theChurch acknowledgeth Z 4 not