z6o élldmonitifò,z notforchildeen,fortheybent ourbrethren:Stichas deferue tube reieêtedbytheChurd, lam notboundtoperforme this dutie veto them, for holy things mutt not be giuen to doges. Againe,the fcornermutt be Gnitten and caftforth,as ifmael was,he is not worthy a chrittian reprehenfion,nor a barker orbiter ofthereligious and godly,asprophaneEfau. for theft calk offall our admonition with a kit.Somethought Paul (houldhaue reproved Nero, butit was a ruleinthe Priminue Church, and the Schoolemen haue obferued, that Abttinendum furiousTyrantsmay not bereproued , kart they difturbethepeace of the Church. Elias mem was more plaine with the Kings in histime albeit hewas left alone. Ifthouhaftauthoric ts non merit P c > cupidiraris. thou maittreproue allthat arevnderthee. Reproueftrangersonelyof openand knowne . finnes: noSamaritinat all,vnleffehebe wounded. Let vsin performingthis dutieobferue diuine rules well, for fomeareasvnfit to reprehendand to bereprehended,as EfausPlow- fharewas tomake a fword. II Thoughgood duties are to bedone, yet eueryman is notfitto doeeuery good dutie; therefore let vs fee who is fit toexecute thisworke of reprehenfronTheeye is a tenderpart, euery fingermutt not be rakingin it: for ofan ghostwithout skill,commethan end with- out fruit.Thisdutie doth notconfift in readines ofvtterance,nor inbitternsand !tinging Munus pro- words,but in a good found iudgement,which maketh a manfit. And to this arerequired ponoonamr Bono. three things, whichanfwere tothofe in thebodil light : firft the cleerenes oftheeye: fe-. Peroculum condly,theright &nation of it: thirdly,not tobe hinderedwithout. By. the eye,themimic mentem, per the feateofknowledge is vnderltoode: and herein theymutt berich.It rs promdéd,Efa.6,f. vifumaigniu- that thepeople under theGofpell lhouldexcell inknowkdgethe Leuitesunderthe Lawe: onegí. and it may appeare itwas fo inthe PrimitiueChurch,forthey became mofl readyand fa-. miliar in theholy Scriptures: in fomuch that women began togrow focuuning,thatthere was a general( prohibitionthat they fbouldnot fpeake in the Church. Daniels prophefie was,thatin the latertimes men fhould runouer bookes: and ifwe cannot fo abound, yet mutt we geta through knowledge of things , againft which we deale by reprehrenfion. Chrift finder the Pharifeesoften fhort,and blind,albeit they gloried ofgreat knowledge, thoughthe Phyla&erieswerebroad, yet their heads werefhallow.So it is alfowithvs:there aremany dim eyeswhich haue swedeofthat eye falue,Reue1.3.Ifany thing beambiguous wecannothit theioynt toreftore the member that is loofned,GaL6. r.And fo inour buil- ding,all willdowne inthe tempelt that we build withvntempered morter.Nothing can a- bidefoundly in affeetion,that is not Purelygrounded in the iudgement.That which Philip faide to the Eunuch mayhhere well be vied, a little changingtheword in the originall: Doefl thou kn.owwhatthoudoltcondemn? And it is laidwell ofPeter, thatmany fpeake e- ygd>xonw uill ofthofe things theyknow not : but theydoeas Bàtaerna, fetch their diuinationsfrom others,andfo cannotfpeake accord ingro time,placeand perfons,but as theyare then pro,- Sapient eaá raided.Secondly,theeye mull ttand rightly in hisproper feate,for if it (rand awrywe can lienopeftore.. not feewell,howcleere foeuer the eye be.This fite and rightplace oftheeye, theoldewri- ters callintentiovita, and that is that which euen their owne confciencesknow, and other menoften fee,they leuell at in their whole life. The right fituation of theeye is this, ifwe letbefore vs this fcope topleafeGod,withoutany limiter refpe&: albeit fomecan Tookea- wryand that lildome,and that(hortly, andwaxenot worfeand worfe, but morezealous. Helookes not arightthat bath a worldly end, as Behanwould now and then looketo Gods commandemene,but becaufe his heartand mindewas fixedon thewages of iniqui- tie,his eyewas euer osierhis (houtder,and in theend (hewed he wasblinde indeede.Third- ly,the outwardhinderancesare the bramen that are inthe eye, and they are thole hones thatarepart (hats and forrow, and fuch asmay befelt at midnight.They receiue many diuifìons: they vpholde wickedpra&ifes; they be fuch as the Di(nples cannot calf our, theyare diredlly oppohte to thecalling of a Chriftian. They thatworke this trade, are workers of iniquitie, of whole eye and judgement marke Dauids queftion, the anfwere whereof is foone made. Are they not all without vnderllanding that worke wickedneffe r zote,' And this is thereafon why the Fathershaving le(fe means of knowledge thenwe, yet law more concerning heavenly risings then we.. Albeit Chrift faith of this eye, thou reeka mote,: yet hee fpeakethbut of his folk imagination, for it is hard for hunko