¿dmonition,Jdulterìe, 4ffeEtiotás. 26t fee amoté,that bathabeameinhisowne eye t he may onely thinke there is a mote where there is none, and therefore no man is to beleeue him. And yet this man challenger' to hinfclfe authoritie not onely to difpute, but alto to reproue,yet little reafon is thereof the heft, butnone of the f cond. Befides, whereas the endofreprehension is amendment,he is like tomake him worfe for leeinghow littlehee accounted' of the bearne that is in his owne eye, he maygather, if that hurtnothim,his motewill hurthim lefe : nay,he is more like toplucke out the eye,then themote out of the eye. It is a generali rule, that he that rule. B mild cloth willingly reprehcnd,and Eccles not a i affec3ion offorrow and dare, is notfit for Dece his iii it. Our owne loue is the mcafureofour loue toothers : he cannot thenbe good toothers, mino bus that is not trltgood tohimfèlfe. Chryfsdome faith, Cana thouknow another better than nondebet de thy felfe? He that louethanother morethanhimfelfe in (pirituall things,hc is voyde ofrha- maiotibes íu- ride. We mull therefore euertakeheede of thefe beatnesin ourowne eyes,for if wefo cad dicarc. afideour eyeafter preferment, we let tiselift Commaundement aboue thefirft,and make priormcncum ourfeluesvnfitforthepraólifeofthedutieofChri ftianAdmonition. Taro. tz The people foprofitedby Mofes rharpe rebuke, that they aftercatneto aske him l>oiesneali- counfell, as loath todifpleafehim, when they taw that lie wasangry for Gods caufe, and um mclius their finnes. Wherewefee howneedfull it is for a man to liane his confcience ripe vp, and 1èfccre yuàm totake heedwhen the Minifter of Goddot' with anger rebuke, that then wedoe rightly interpret his anger, forthediuell will be toobufie to perfwade,that he doch it for his owne pleafure. And theMiniftersofChriftmuff takeheede to rule their anger, euer intending principally Gods glorie,andthe profitof their brethren. 13 In admonition,whenwe loue too much the perfora, we flackeourzeale again' the finnc:whenwe are too zealous againftthe finne,weforgetmeeknesand loue totheperson. CHAP. 3.. OfeAdulterie andyouthful! ,Afeaion.r. F that afteroften fats in the finne of Adulterie, the Lord gluea man thefight of the grieuoufneffe andgreatnes of this finne,and fill a man with the fearesof his iudgements, and then this feare Pear,..:. i! ` caufethe power of this finne toabate inhim, and caufe his to 2. . feare alioccafions,and to lonechafte perfons, then furls a man Grier f rfio. Mti~ ì i may bewell comforted, the Lord will giuehum theviclorie of that finne. But yet rememberto roceede, and in aff'edtion let Remedies,- that encleatielifebe asloathfomevnto thee asit bath been plea- cieate[ond-: A ` fans,andtotheendthatthoumaiftknowhowtokeepeandpol- fefle thy veliellinholineflèand honor, begintodelighrin theLord Chrift,and tó vfewith feareand reuerence themeanes ofthy faluation, theword, prayer and Sacraments s and then the Lord willPeale veto thine heart the pardonof this finite : forthis is notobtained beforewe haue thus repented. And whenthouhaft found cuele effedis of Gods graceun thee,thoumailt reafonthus againft Sathan : If the Lordwould hauedeftroyedmefor this ?tie: finne,he wouldnot have giuen mea furrow or hatred of this finne, thereforeI amnow well allured he doth,.andwill accept meforhis. adopted forme., in his true fonne Iefus Chrift. That a man maydoethis,and'leaue this finne withrepentance, he is firtt to confi- der, I fay, themercie of God, whichftriucth withvs till we bebrought fo farre as is afore- z faid : Secondly, we muff confider theitiftice of God,whichwill confounde thole that will refil1. ThemercieofGodappearesinf earingthee,andpunifhingothers ,ingiuingeiltethe a meanes,andnot others,inpunifhingtieelightly,and confounding others.This will great- lycommend the greatnes ofGodsmercies,cfpe ciallÿ,feeing hegiuethmercy whenhemight punifh,and cloth asit were hire thee fromthy fames; Thus will the fpirituallman.gather ofthegreat mercie ofGod: Shall I thenprouoke him,and adderebellion vnto finne? Shall I vtterlydeny him,and becomme theflaue of Sathän ? So then,thusthe meditationof the Pfalm.r394. mercies