Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

z64 eJffeîiion. eilff tElion. neuer ftand to fuffer any trial. Wemay learnealfobylofephsexample, euen for the 'call parcof godly life, or good religion to fiiffer perfecution : and not onely forthe chide points and parts thereof. Andasgreat a figneof a good heart is it : for if we fhould denie thefaith, or God, or Chrift ; allthe world wouldcrie out, whereas in leffer'natters they mouldholde their peace:and thereforefo muchthegreater triall is it,ifwe hand. Note. Cu AP. 4. OfeAfEiion. T is a greatmerde ofGodtohaue a largeaffe&ion ofwell doing,when wehauegood occafion thereof. The Lordceafeth not toOfferoccafi- Good4161i- ons, but weoften ceafeto hauegoodaffe&ions. z We muff aswell fee what is agsinff es, as chofe tlsings that one affe&ions leade vsto : therefore muff wepray, thatour heartsmay be ofJeremy. So longas welauetodk and the,Elders with men, we l letaglotfe vpon thematter, but w1 en weknowthatwe haue todeale with God, beforewhom no wicked- netfe will ftand,thiswill humblevs. Head7trevg 3 Thepeopleof Ifraelwould not heareMofes, thoughhe didfharpely rebuke them : affittionr. whereinwelearnetopray thatour affeetions bemattered betime,for many arefo headyin their affe&ions,thattheywillgiueno careto admonitions ; and asit is faìd of the belly to haue ro eares,fo is is offurls headttrongaffeaions.Somegiue fomuch place totheirgriefe, that theywill not receiuecomfort ofthepromifes, norbe rebuked by the threatningsof God inhis word.This griefe iscarnalland dangerous and thereforeeueryman isto fearch Ids heart tofee howfuck corruption is fetled in lüm,and let himbetime ttriue againtt it,fuf. feringhimfelfetobe rebuked by theword,and fograce atlifting him,he(hall ouercomeit. .2, or good 4 Many fee Gods workes with Mofes, but cannot profiteby them, becaufetheLord affeettion . bathnot giuen them the affe&ions ofMofr. According to our affe&ions fo we profite bothby theworks and word ofGod : leevstherefore euer pray vntoGod to fill ourHearts with goodaffe&ions. s.Chçon. i9.; Hovyro con- der ofGads Handin nffii- &ion. x.Chron.i9.z CHAP. 5. Of vViCtion. Inen wear; in afi&ion we arenot fo wife ofour felues, as to fee the cauteofit:or ifwefee thecaufe,wecannot fee themercy ofGod,thathis handwhich is vponvs,is not a dettroyinghand,but a dclitteringhand. a Affliaionsworkemuchinmen, but moft whenthey comewith the word ofGod,to giuevs amore finely fight offinne,and tomanifett therich mercies ofGod in IefusChrifftodefiner vsfrom finne..Iehofa- phat was more humbled by the fpeecli of Rhothe Seer,chenhe wasbc- ingcompafied with an hoafic of enemiesround about. 3 Whenafiaion commethco Godschildren, not fo much the fsnnes themfelues, as the not auoidingof the meanes. which procured their finnes, and not the vfing of the meanes whichmighthaue preferued them from finne, willtorment their confeiences: for then 'betonfcience asaman falling intoTome fckeneffe, if it come whileft lie iswalking in his calling, in af/ltrti00s. lellègrieued,than ifthrough furfettinghehad procuredand hatched thedifeafeinhimfelfe; euen fo it commethtopallè in other. By vfing themeanes of godlineffe in fimplicine of heart, we¡hall beeither freed from Gnne,whereinwehaue ¡yen,or elfebe confirmed in fome goodthingsbegmiinvs. Although