efffltEEfi©n. 2. 61 4 Although the godly Mallcfcape hell in the world tocotne,yet they 11 allbepunifhed in this world:and though the wicked benotpunifhedin this worlde, yet Mall they not e,. (cape hell in the world to come. ï WhenSathan doth defcant upon ouraffliaions, we mull be comfortedbeing Gods =.pet,$ 9 children,becaufe we fuffer no more then Gods childrenbefore hauefúffered,and the Lord himfelfe dpth fufferwithvs. 6 It is the Lord which fendetli crofTesto his children to faue than, that they freezenot The with thewicked world in their dregs. fleapit, 7 When Mafiawas rebukedof the Lord for thenot circumcifing his fonne, hisfaith was weake,and his wife in perfourmingthatdutie wasalmoft withoutfaith,yet theLorde departed away, and 1paredboth. Wherewelearne, that the Lordebeareth with a(veake faith, and that if any affliélaonlie vpon vs, it is forwant of faith : and if it departWithout Fait" effe&in vs,thenaforerpuüifliment is like to light vpon vs, becaufewehaue not pröfited Tore. bythe croffe of Chrift : but ifweeffeEtuallyprofileby it, and tlilit lie vpon vs, let vs "they reliever. patiently abide, for it is totrie our faith. g If we wouldfoprouideforourfelues, thatnoafiEtionsmakevsquaile;letvsinthe time ofprofperitie and quietneffecut offallheadie affeetions, as griefe , forrow, and fucli Heedie aJje-, like; and then Thal l theynot in our trouble preuaileagáinft vs. aims. g When our afflihons doenot ¿nuevs to God, nor caufe vs niore hnmblietoheave and feeke hisword,but rathertoHoppeour cares , andto runnefrom it , and tofceke vii- ToPeke vtr- Jawfull meanes , let vs then mourne fecretly and heartily vnto God for the direr}ion of l° ell mranes GodsSpirit : for that cafe isdangerous: na afl:on. ro It is theLordesmercie that wee are notdeftroyed, Lamentat.chap.3. But when weeare freedfrompunifhmentes, and others areafHiéted, itis either to lhewehisfurther mercie, orhis furtheriudgement : ifwee ware betterrandbee more thankefull, then is it ofmercie; but if weewaxe proude , and thiiikdour, fettlesbetter than others , then.is it affuredlyto confoundvs: And hereby wee maygather comforte. or griefe , when weee- fcape punifhmentes. If flee punifh not in this worlde, cyclic!. God is vniufl, or elfe there is a hell topunifh them euerlaftingly. But his children if they profitenot by one, flee fends another to condemne them in this worlde, that they may elcape inthe- worlde to cone. a r Wee muff denie ourfelues and our owne reafon ;that wee may continuewith Chrift, wee mutt take vp our croflè and follow him, and if wee will bee glorified with The le,fíeof him, wee muffalto fuffer with him ; and ifweewill rifeagaine withhim, weemuff firft ches(i. die withhim, andifwee will pxrtaYceof hisbenefites ,We muttalfodrinkeof his cup. But many wouldwillingly haue inChrift forgiuenes offin,yet wouldthey notbeare hiscruffè. Iz Weinuft faithfully remember Godscorreétions, and though our troublcbepaft, yetflillwith fare toremember the hand of the Lorde, not toattributeourcroffes tofor- tune, complexions orhumours,nor healthtophy ficke 3 butonely toGod, glorifyinghim Health. continually, and making our dailyprofite by all hisloving chaftifeaients upon vs. x 3 The deliueraneeof thepeople of Iliad isoften repeated in the Scripture. Andhis notwithout great caute , forit ferries notably for the comfort ofthe godlyand theterrour of the wicked : foeifAvewould thinke that he werenot able tohelpe vs ; we fee that hedi- uidedthe mighty Sfas:ifwefhould thinkeourfeluesvnworthyOf helpe,he thendid nigh- The leedheth tilydefinerthe.vuwettliie. So that if weebeingin anydanger canbe perfwaded that the {,olpenthevn .Lord is able to helpevs,?andthat liéwil helpetherm thatare vnworthie,itwill bea notable vvothie often flay vntovs, that wefall notáway on-der diecroffeby the vehemencie of temptations, is fáf:iont. r4 Curies are turned intobleffings through Chrift, as byfin bleflìngs are turned into Chiles. chiles. The benefiresofGod beinginthemfeluesgood, yet by our corruptionweemako ourtable a foareynto -óurfelues, andfo Mother of his mercies. ap Job ferried God intrueth,andyetpunithedy and loLzerus : but this wasnot fo machfor theirowneGn, asfor thetrialoftheir faith,and that after themtheChurchmight receiuegreat comfort bytheir examples. For as it hurts not-the gold to beputinto the fire, simile. bothbecaufe it is thereby tried, and-silo mademore pure : fo isit notmill forthe children A a of