Greenham - Houston-Packer Collection BX9315 .G82 1601

266 eXf fliElion. Binger. l'riati ' faith. of Godtohauetheir faith tried : If is be a flrongfairh itwill bearethe fire, if itbeweake, it will yetthine brighter: if there appeareno faith,but alldrof e,then thepartietried mutt morefenoullyleekeafterChrillandthemeanesoffaluation,thathemayatcainethatfaith . thatmay goe throughthe fireof ofsetion. a 6 Itis thegreat goodnes ofGod to curbevsby afllietion,and notto letvs go forward Sir!¿neffe. in finne: as to Manna thehealthof ourbodies, becaufe wearecareleffc ofour foules;and to pull away outward things, thatwe maylearne to feeke heauenly things: And contrari- lv, it as has great punifhment to kaue vs roourfelues. Let vs marke this, that the crcfes ofGodmay beTweet veto vs,and thatwe maythe foonerprofit by them: For it iscertaine, r Godfcoureth away, theinfirmitiesofhis Samtes by many of slihions, yetneuer breaketh his holy couenantwith them, albeit they hauemany. tribulationswhich they detèrueand pull vpon themfelues. Name: 17 The feruice and worfhipof Godin afAi&ion is patience. Of Gods doingsweeare not to inquirea reafon:yet he bath reuealed tovs many taules whereforehe chattenethhis Fernand- tau- ele'ein this life. FirEr, todeclare Isis iuftice and anger agaisaff lsnne:therefore thewatersof let theleed lirtfe colt Me/ls his life. Secondly,to Winnevs to repentance, who in.ptofperitie arevn- tha(thferh his e- tamed et: b will not hearehim, forvexation will teach vs vnderllanding. Thirdly , to lets sn this lye. knowand trie vs whetherwewill beare hislouing correCtion:and whetherwe loue him fo,,3.4p, thatwecan endureour leruice vntobloodfor his take,Gen.22. Now ¡((row thou 'ontome. a t.Pet.s.7.whichtryall is more precious inlus light thengold ,aaad the wayto purilirgoli 3 . is to snake it paffe throughthe fire. Fourthly,Sathanwill say, DotbjobfeareGod firuoughtt 4 Therefore to triumph ouerhim inour obedience the Lord Both it. And faith timeonote it isfitted the cleaner it is; the anote it iscut, themore itgroweth; themore it iscrodenthe thicker it comesvp. Filthy, ro feparatevs frosnthe wicked, for whichcaule it is compared to a fanne,and the diuell is lard towinnow vs,andbee will not viea courte lieue in doing 6 of it Laftiv,to conformevs vino Chrift,Rom.3.2 s..that weemay haue the lÿmpatineof lais aff tions,a.Tim.3.5z.allchatwillisuegodly muff beare his croffe,andin lais tsnaeaiad ntealuredrinkeof thecup. Yhetrya(iof anger. TatieXóe. CHAP. 6. Ofe,4nger. T is a good triall whether weebecarnally angrie or no,if wee trie our felues whetheritkmdleth togood workes or no, alit caufe vs topray with libertie of minde, if it hindereth not ourmeditati- ons,ifwecan dowell to thepanicoffending vs, if we canBeale with otherswithout all peeuilhnc ße, though all theworld accule vs, it is a fgnechar our heartis not cull. tz = 2 Mofesislaide, Numb. t2. to bee arneekeman aboúe allthat ffi 111 were onthe earth, andsoirappearetl:by his patience it bearing the reuthrg ipeeches of his brother and filter : but Fxod. t t.8. and 3?.chap.of the fantebooke he is laid tobe veryangrie,anri in that his fiercearger cats tech many to be llaine,yet hiss arger sa ce.n:mended as good,for II .atthe caufe thereof was good. SoElalits is.faidto bevery angrie,lob, 3 x.verh2,not enelyagamft elsewickedbut a- gaint{godhemen. Chriff alfoistatde to bee angrie, Mark.6. and to call PeterSaban, Match. 6. And Paul calleth the Galathtans focles, Galat.3.verfi. And to theEphef. chap.4. verf z8.hee forbiddeth and warneth vs onlyof that angerwhich is of finne or mixed with finne. Nowe .then to dìlcerne this will anger note click markesfof'owiág. x Fiat, if we be angrie in oar ownecaule, that is, for thick things whichmight either plea- 2 lurevs, or hurt vs, and notfor the gloncof.Ged, eurArgeriscarnail and mill, Secord- ly , Againe, it is true that weefhall neuer beaigrie for Cods coufe, vntill wee can 'cane all care ofour owne raufes,and not be once angrie forthem, further Chin they areioyned with